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FingerPrint to AirPrint to your computer

Fingerprint has a free trial. Just download it, install, and follow the instructions. Once you do so any app that has a built in print options (other than the printing apps themselves) will probably work. If it works and you like it, pay.

It shouldn't require you to to install or deinstall any other software
Mrshmlo said:
Would someone tell me hhow to make FingerPrint work with IPad, iPhone and Windows . should I delete the Eurosmart print programs first? I have so many $ invested in pr
Apps, that I think I should buy a new printer! I am a new user and t
Find it all frustrating! I would appreciate help from one of you experts! Thanks much!


If you go to there web, you can download the drivers for windows. Or click here for free trial:http://www.collobos.com/download/fingerprint/Win32/FingerPrintSetup.exe
You don't need to delete eurosmart print.
If you do purchase a new printer, purchase one that is airPrint supported, on of these:http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4356
I'm no expert, but have done it and I don't have any complaints about the program.

Never heard of Printopia, will have to check it out.

I use FingerPrint on a Win-7-64 computer and it sees and will print to an AirPrint HP printer, can use duplex, no big deal as it is AirPrint and would print anyway.

But it will also see and use an old non-AirPrint network connected duplex HP Laserjet. This to me IS a big deal!

I'm really pleased with how well FingerPrint works and have helped set it up on a couple of friends' Win systems. This weekend will be helping another friend set it up on an Apple.

Well worth the $10!
Never heard of Printopia, will have to check it out.

Unlike Fingerprint, Printopia is Mac only. Last time I checked the feature list it had a couple more options than Fingerprint, like the ability to print/open to any PDF program on the Mac. Those features may or may not be useful to your friend. I've only used Printopia, so I can't offer a direct comparison between the two; but I do like Prntopia and it's been reliable.

They cost about the same {I was wrong. Printopia cost about twice as much as Fingerprints, so whether you want the extra features becomes important}, and both have free trials, so I suggest you show both to your friend and let them decide which would work better for them. There are already links to Fingerprint, so I'll just add the link to Printopia.

Printopia - AirPrint to Any Printer - Print from iPad - Print from iPhone - Ecamm Network
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Hi Forum,
I found your suggestions whilst looking for a solution to allow me to print to my Epson PX650 printer directly from my iPad 2. I use Windows 7 x64bit on my PC. I chose FingerPrint in my case as it doesn't care what type of printer is in use, so it allowed me to use my current printer. I figured £7 for a solution such as this is fantastic value, especially as you can trial before buying for a week!

So... I installed the trial copy of FingerPrint program without hitch but my printer was not immediately available for use. Fingerprint showed the printer as available on the PC, but it wasn't seen by my iPad. After a bit of Googling, I managed to sort the issue. In my case I had to enable a couple of ports on my Linksys WAG320n router and my PC Firewall.

Here's the screenshot of the settings on the Linksys page in the hope that they help others.
LinkSys Settings for FingerPrint.webp
Remember to allow these ports through the Windows Firewall too.
I hope this helps someone else.
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I have searched and tried many apps to do that and for me the simplest way was Fingerprint from Collobos don't hesitate to buy for the price it do the job. I know that is less interesting to have a Pc or Laptop open for print. But for me, i'm searching for a cheap mini-Laptop that it Will connect to my router and that CAN Forgot. I,m looking for one that LCD was broken but CAN connect to external source to start and after i don't have to see anything. I havé contact Samsung for see it CAN be upgrade firmware of my clx3170fn but it seems that it can't. I'm sure that for her it is not to hard to see with Collobos for include this emulation in, but he probably prefer to sell or not sell new printer. Support was her force
Fingerprint is absolutely GREAT. I use it all the time. Well worth the small charge. Thoroughly recommended.
Gtatler said:
Fingerprint is absolutely GREAT. I use it all the time. Well worth the small charge. Thoroughly recommended.

And the new version (February 2012) is even better as it runs as a service. It is set up to start automatically when PC is booted. And it picks up all of my printers (including network printers) without any problem.

Well done to the developers.
thank you very much, you just make my day really happy :) , i dint know about this software it work great whit my Canon MX850 Win7 x64 Pro, Thank you Thank you
Just installed Fingerprint on old Dell desktop running Win-XP. Installed w/o probs, iOS devices found and printed immed. Worth $10. PC does have to be running, tho. BTW printer is a Canon MX 880 series.
Finally got Fingerprint working. Problem was my Netgear WiFi router. It doesn't like routing wifi data to LAN. This seems to be a problem with many combined router/wifi access points.
I have to cycle the wifi quite often so the iPad can pickup the AppleTV and now the printer. Annoying. Time to get a dedicated wifi access point.
Finally got Fingerprint working. Problem was my Netgear WiFi router. It doesn't like routing wifi data to LAN. This seems to be a problem with many combined router/wifi access points.
I have to cycle the wifi quite often so the iPad can pickup the AppleTV and now the printer. Annoying. Time to get a dedicated wifi access point.

I have downloaded FingerPrint trial version for Windows, but all I get is a "bar" moving from left to right saying that it is searching for FingerPrint servers. Do you have any suggestions? I don't want to pay $10 until I know that it works.

BobAZ said:
I have downloaded FingerPrint trial version for Windows, but all I get is a "bar" moving from left to right saying that it is searching for FingerPrint servers. Do you have any suggestions? I don't want to pay $10 until I know that it works.


Suggest you un-install, re-download and re-install.

I didn't have any problem like this.

Good luck.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Suggest you un-install, re-download and re-install.

I didn't have any problem like this.

Good luck.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

I have already done that twice. I have emailed Collobos (FingerPrint developer) and they told me the same.

Still all I get is FingerPrint open with a bar running left to right saying "Searching for FingerPrint service.

I am running Windows XP Pro on an iMac using Boot Camp. Everything else works fine.
BobAZ said:
I have already done that twice. I have emailed Collobos (FingerPrint developer) and they told me the same.

Still all I get is FingerPrint open with a bar running left to right saying "Searching for FingerPrint service.

I am running Windows XP Pro on an iMac using Boot Camp. Everything else works fine.

Have you opened the services tab to see whether the service is running ? It should be set to auto.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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