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First impression, well....underwhelmed

I just posted about my yellow-tinged ipad 3 screen. Greens and red look great, but my blues are green tinged and my tans all look yellow. There is an article on 'gomobile' called 'my ipad screen has jaundice' which is everything I'm experiencing. I think the other posters are correct in that we have to take em back, apparently not everyone is experiencing this problem. I am terrified to let go of my ipad 2 now (and it has a new owner I want to get it into the hands of...) because I feel I'll lose some perspective. I guess I will go by the store Monday. I will certainly report back any news, etc.
Yes, please report back. I have all 3 iPads and the new iPad seems to be in the middle as far as pure white and blacks go. My iPad 1 has the most off white color and blacks are less dark. The two seems perfect with pure white and black. Now that I have been on that for a year I feel like I am taking a step backwards in contrast. However I have had dead pixels dust under the screen, and edge imperfections in the past and this new iPad other then it not being pure white and black is perfect. Think I might just keep it regardless if they swap a new with you or not. If they do swap it do you think that they would swap it anytime during the first year? Also I noticed one other difference and that the brightness on this iPad all the way down you almost can't see the screen. My other two get dim but still fully useable. Anyone else notice that?
overthetop75 said:
Yes, please report back. I have all 3 iPads and the new iPad seems to be in the middle as far as pure white and blacks go. My iPad 1 has the most off white color and blacks are less dark. The two seems perfect with pure white and black. Now that I have been on that for a year I feel like I am taking a step backwards in contrast. However I have had dead pixels dust under the screen, and edge imperfections in the past and this new iPad other then it not being pure white and black is perfect. Think I might just keep it regardless if they swap a new with you or not. If they do swap it do you think that they would swap it anytime during the first year? Also I noticed one other difference and that the brightness on this iPad all the way down you almost can't see the screen. My other two get dim but still fully useable. Anyone else notice that?

I think you are looking into to it WAY to hard..... Lol
I think you are looking into to it WAY to hard..... Lol
You sound like my wife(<: lol I don't think I have ever gotten a perfect iPad first time around. I went to the apple store today and did an exchange and this new one is perfect. When I was there I looked at about 10 other new iPads and 3 of them were just like what mine looked like so I guess they have a upper and lower limit to the acceptable range. Regardless I am now a happy new iPad owner.
I tend to find that it can take me a 2 or 3 days before I can 100% say everythings okay, by that I mean, it can take a couple of days before somethings gets noticed.

When I tried my new iPad3 later on Friday 16th the release day, everything seemed fine.. I gave the screen a good check, for bad pixels, everything looked 100% ok, but over the weekend I spotted a small 1mm spec of dust (under the screen glass), showing up on the screen like a tiny short hair 2" in from the side, and once I knew where to look it was easy to spot, especially on white or light grey screens, you could barely see it on other colours or anything else.

So how come it took me almost 2 days to notice it... very strange, but like a bad pixel... once you know where it is.. you can't stop looking at it...lol
It got changed today, and this one seems okay, though it does have very minor light bleed in couple of places, but for normal brightness levels it's not visible at all, infact I checked my iPad1 today which I've had for well over a year without any issues at all, and was surprised to see that it actually has slightly worse backlight bleed than this iPad3, and I wasn't even aware it had any at all...lol So perhaps we need to ask the question.. were you happy with your new toy and enjoying it before you started reading about other users iPad faults and comments that they were allegedly having...
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You have to take into consideration the lighting conditions you are viewing you're iPad in too.
It would be nice if apple offered some kind of screen calibration option... But I'm not too bothered, that's what my MacBook is for.
I think that a lot of it depends on what you're upgrading from. I skipped Gen 2, so upgrading from Gen 1 to Gen 3 encompasses all sorts of improvements. Any perceived downside to thickness and weight is a nonissue to me, as they both are improvements over Gen 1.

Different people have different thresholds of perception, so to some people the 4-fold increase in resolution jumps off the screen, but to others its not even perceptible. It's the same as with HDTV. Ever since I went 1080i/p about 5 years ago, I cannot watch SD TV, as it looks like a blocky mess, but others don't see (or don't care about) the difference. My mother is one to whom analog SD TV on a 32" tube is just as good as HD. *shudder*

Me? I got a 32GB Wifi on Friday and my Gen 1 64GB has already been listed on Craigslist... :)

I, too, came from 64GB wifi Gen 1 to Gen 3 and added 3/4G which will be used mostly for travel as we're lucky enough to have wifi everywhere. I love the higher resolution--I'm a photographer and love it for my larger files. Reading is wonderful too--I noticed the sharp clear text in the first email I typed. For moving from 1-3 this is a huge upgrade with much faster everything LOL--no stutter on keyboard, apps open quickly and nary a crash. Just very happy.

BTW, I am keeping my one to replace my aging Touch. I wiped it and added back Rhapsody, Pandora and my music and all my downloaded music from Rhapsody for offline playing. So much easier to search, make playlists, etc in Rhapsody AND I have the 10 hour plus battery. It does much better than that too when just streaming.
Ah, found the answer .. As it turns out, pushing the Apple Bluetooth keyboard eject key (top far right) results in the virtual keyboard with microphone symbol appearing, thus allowing the choice of dictation, using the virtual keyboard, or using the Apple Bluetooth keyboard - you can switch back and forth between the three anytime you wish.

Thanks. I hadn't been able to get the keyboard screen back up either. I hadn't read through the new manual yet--maybe it says there, but I usually find good answers right here on the forum so I check it first.
i was at first under impressed with the white balance of the photos as well. I noticed in settings that Auto Brightness was set to On. I switched it to Off and that helped.
You have to take into consideration the lighting conditions you are viewing you're iPad in too.
It would be nice if apple offered some kind of screen calibration option....

I certainly think Apple should incorporate colour/hue control options in the settings, and I'm a little surprised they didn't do so from day-1 with the first iPad, as surely it wouldn't have added to it's cost by very much, if at all, afterall almost every screen device TV's Monitors etc. all have the ability to do this.. you wouldn't accept less.
I'm not sure if it can simply be done in a future iOS upgrade without hardware modification, but if it were possible, it would certainly be nice to have.

My white balance and colour on my iPad 3 looks pretty good to me, but we are not all the same, some people like warmer pictures while others like a cooler look, so colour control would be a plus for everyone, including Apple, as they would'nt get so many Ipads returned with white balance issues.
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