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Flash Programs

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There is no support for Flash in the iPad2. There are some third party browser apps that provide partial support by rendering Flash on their web server, but it's only a partial solution and doesn't work well for movies in general.

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Welcome to our forums regarding Afobe flash it is no different from the original ipad on other-words not supported.
However there are a few Apps are available that may help you.
There are several iPad browsers that will display flash videos with varying degrees of success, Skyfire, Puffin and iBitfire.
Flash games won't work though.

<Hasty rushes off to grab another can of petrol....>
Hasty said:
There are several iPad browsers that will display flash videos with varying degrees of success, Skyfire, Puffin and iBitfire.
Flash games won't work though.

<Hasty rushes off to grab another can of petrol....>

When you go into iSwifter it gives you two options, browser or games.....I've only used the browser as a test (I don't miss flash at all). I don't know what happens if you click on the games option but just a thought......ahem, I'll get me coat!

The Archangel
Hasty said:
There are several iPad browsers that will display flash videos with varying degrees of success, Skyfire, Puffin and iBitfire.
Flash games won't work though.

<Hasty rushes off to grab another can of petrol....>

When you go into iSwifter it gives you two options, browser or games.....I've only used the browser as a test (I don't miss flash at all). I don't know what happens if you click on the games option but just a thought......ahem, I'll get me coat!

The Archangel

I have been able to play any Facebook game using the iSwifter browser. Just choose the Browse Websites option, log into Facebook, and you'll be set!
Im watching this thread for a while, and now since its silent and i got nothing to do but waiting for friday im gonna post my opinion.

First of all, i got a neutral look on flash, before the iOS cam up big time flash was also there, thats a reason why adobe has all right to be angry on apple ignoring flash.

From my little netbook (1,6 ghz intel atom, graphic onboard) i can say that its true that a flash application pulls down the performance alot. Making the experience before and after installation of the adobe flash player and browsing stuff.

So, i had the IPad 1 and there really really rare moments where i woulve missed flash, they exist but they were rare, to get this to the point, there a few websites which were just made out of flash, which is quite difficult to browse if you got no flash at all.
In fact that was one site ever in 9 Months of browsing.

Now, lets look what exactly flash brings you when browsing the web.
And heres the big bad truth about it, the most flash applications are commercial banners of fake win mini games where you are (and everyone else too) always the 999.999 customer and uve won a price. (yeah yeah, blah)

On FEW Sites are small movies/trailers/commercials(<-lol) ONLY running with flash, but thats an old option since there multiple ways to play those trailers and movies (and commercials if you really want to). Apple takes the way the movie is linked from youtube which opens once u hit that small blue cube where the flash applicaion would start.

Dont get me wrong, its great to have small movies or trailers (NOT commercials) inside a Webpage you just opend, but its not really necessary, i really never missed flash with the ipad, except for the sites made all by flash of course, which were few.

I dont say "yes, apple and stevie, ur right !"
I just say "Its ok to not having it, but the browsing is smooth and the battery lasts longer".

So much from me to this.
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