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Flash: Why so important to the Ipad?

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Yea, I don't see that as a solution. Visiting a mobile site is not the solution to not being able to view the full site on a TABLET. On a phone its mildly acceptable, but on a TABLET, it should be able to view ANYTHING a desktop browser can.
I can get by without the the "full site" experience of sites such as PIZZA HUT. Also, iPhone-formatted sites are often actually easier to get around then the full site. It's not that bad.... far from WAP which to me is what "mobile site" implies.

Moreover you seem to imply by the shouting of "TABLET" that there is some God-given definition of "tablet." If there was, Apple rejected that definition, and I'm glad they did. I hated every "tablet" I have owned before the iPad. Clunky at best.

Instead of vague bitching, how about listing these precious flash sites that you are unable to view. 'Cuz I ain't seein' it.

I think the root of the problem is choice. I want the ability to decide for myself wether to install/use flash on the iPad. Period, end of story.

In my experience people often project something's usefulness based on their pattern of usage. For example if you don't use flash, you wouldn't really be impacted by it's absence on the iPad. However those people shouldn't assume that it's not an issue for someone else. It may be, and (take a deep breath) that's ok.

That said, someone being upset with the ipads lack of flash doesn't mean that the entire iPad is useless, it just means that it's not as convenient as it could be.

I think the best solution would be to support flash but don't make it a mandatory installation (like Android). If you want it, install it. It's use may affect the device performance but that's to be expected with a processor intense application. If you don't want it, don't install it and continue on as we are now. But give US the choice.
Whenever you push the pro-flash crowd for a list of sites they either talk around the subject or list a bunch of crappy flash game & animation sites. Beyond that they suggest YouTube (which is rapidly becoming more HTML5.. And my life is hardly going to end from not seeing YouTube), and for UK users, the BBC... Which now has an app so it doesn't matter.

By the way - I don't assume lack of flash isn't a problem for everyone else, I simply don't care. And neither does Apple.
The biggest Flash-related problem for me deals with Adobe Digital Editions; the format that all (that I know of) libraries use for checking out books. Libraries are missing out on a HUGE section of possible users because ADE is Flash-based. In my opinion, libraries got sold a bill of goods from Adobe because they are cutting out the 3+ million iPad users in addition to all the iPhone and iPod Touch users out there.

I don't know of any other solution than to write the ALA - American Library Association - and let them know.

I am aware that there is a "work around" for this problem.
Again, it's no deal-breaker, but pretending like no one uses flash is nonsense.

Here's a few that come to mind
Theticket.com local radio station
Vimeo.com (coverting some to html5 i think)
Car dealers, Toyota, ford, Nissan, Honda, last I looked all of these were flash sites.
Many restaurant sites
Video on local news sites - ex wfaa.com
Weather.com weather map

The most common case where I run into flash issues is following links people post to Facebook or forums. The YouTube app frequently doesn't associate properly, or the media is on a flash only site or other plug-Ins required.

Most of it is unessential, entertainment content I can live without, but isn't this supposed to be an entertainment device?
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Again, it's no deal-breaker, but pretending like no one uses flash is nonsense.

Here's a few that come to mind
Theticket.com local radio station
Vimeo.com (coverting some to html5 i think)
Car dealers, Toyota, ford, Nissan, Honda, last I looked all of these were flash sites.
Many restaurant sites
Video on local news sites - ex wfaa.com
Weather.com weather map

The most common case where I run into flash issues is following links people post to Facebook or forums. The YouTube app frequently doesn't associate properly, or the media is on a flash only site or other plug-Ins required.
While I see your point, some of those examples are kinda pushing it. I mean Sony and Weather.com have nice iPad apps. There are streaming apps that will do radio, often even local.

In addition, while this is not acceptable I guess to many people, some if not most of the other Web site examples do have iPhone-friendly versions that can also work on the iPad using another browser. And they don't look too bad to me. Again, this is not acceptable to some, but if I really needed to look at the Nissan Website for a car I am interested in, while out with my iPad, I would take this over not being able to see it at all. But, yes, it is a work-around. I honestly don't know why it isn't an option within Safari itself to do likewise... heck to even do that on a per-site basis. That really cuts out a lot of content that would at least be usuable on the iPad. :(



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Sure, there are apps and alternatives for some if you think to look for them or know where to go.

That is why I did my homework.... but I don't mean that sarcastically.

I mean that I had experience with an iPhone for three years so pretty much already knew how the iPad would work before I got it. However, I didn't realize iPhone-friendly sites wouldn't work right on the iPad. So I found a work-around in case I run into any that would work fine on iPhone but not on iPad. I was/am fine with browsing on my iPhone and certainly don't want to have LESS sites available on my iPad.

I see at least 3 different kinds of iPad owners around here and other iPad sites:

1.) Those who jumped into it rather quickly with no real knowledge of how iOS works. Some may have been looking for more of a laptop or netbook. This group seems most surprised or disappointed by things like lack of flash.

2.) Those who really checked out what the iPad was, what it could do, and what it could not, and still wanted it. These folks seem generally thrilled with it, but may still wonder why no flash.

3.) iPhone or iPod Touch owners who liked the idea of the iPad. This group pretty much knew what they were getting as they already had been using iOS. This group already knew no flash well before the iPad came along so aren't likely to start complaining about it now.

I of course am in the third group. ;)

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