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Flowing Flip Chart


iPF Noob
Just bought this ipad, and I like to find an app that I can use as a flipchart. Such as putting pictures, text, estimate sheets, cost evaluation, etc..
Would anyone know what might work.

Thank you:ipad-front::)
Have you checked out Flipboard for the iPad? I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for. But watch the video at the main site at Flipboard for iPad

Even if its not what you had in mind, I'm sure you'll get it anyway :) Because its freakin awesome!!!
Flipboard is an RSS feed and social news aggregator made to look like a magazine. I don't believe this is what the OP is looking for.

You might be able to use Keynote or one of the office suite apps like Documents to Go. Keynote is Apple's presentation program, like Power Point, and is even somewhat compatible. Documents to Go includes the ability to edit and display Power Point presentations.

In these apps you can create slides with information on them, anything from charts, to pictures and onward. For spreadsheets you could just create a pdf of the sheet you need to display and add that to a slide.

Besides creation these apps have presentation modes. You can start them playing and just move from slide to slide. They can even be hooked up to projectors (with the right hardware) and be use for larger audiences.
Adobe Ideas

Hiya, I have a friend who used his ipad with Adobe Ideas. He was able to write up people's answers, and do charts, and draw maps etc on various parts of the 'screen' and project them. All without having to turn around (as you do with a flipchart). He was relatively new to the program so I think he could do even more with it given some more practice.
There is a free app called presentation... I have it but had no chance to test it out yet, but looks as if it could fit your needs...
Just saw the possibility to import pdf from the mail app to be shown as a presentation...

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