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Notes Plus vs. Note Taker HD

I hear that Notes Plus writes smoother because of its smoothing system and that Note Taker HD is clunkier.

I use NTHD a lot. There is nothing clunky about it. It has the smoothest ink of any app I've tried except for neu.Notes (which is free and has some prominent poor reviews in the App Store. This is unfortunate, because they have no connection with current reality.
We had no idea that putting up a link was not allowed... so the forum took the link out of my post... our mistake.

Our staff did some extensive reviews showing all the ins and outs of NotesPlus along other note-taking iPad apps and we just thought the videos might help someone make up their mind.

Our only suggestion is to always keep an open mind, and know that Viet Tran, the developer of NotesPlus is devoted to making NotesPlus the absolute best note-taking app on the market. To that end it is always evolving... and well worth its cost. You don't have to take anyone's word for it, it speaks for itself. We just hope you find the app that works best for you.

Her post was deleted, but they weren't good reviews anyway, most of the time was talking about the app, very little actually showing the app.

I really wish these apps had "lite" versions like UPad does. For this reason alone I am almost leaning towards UPad. It is a little slow, but I know how well the zoom in text feature works so I don't have to worry about that cause I was able to test it. I guess I will just have to draw my shapes if I go this route...
ThePhotog said:
I wasn't able too find the app in the itunes store

It was just released today.

I have never won anything in my life, but I won this app from the drawing. Unfortunately, I don't have my iPad 2 yet, but I will be sure to review it next week. It looks more like penultimate than these big dogs.
I think I prefer Noteplus. It has a built in voice recorder and you draw type and write notes. NoteTaker is overly complex and it is slow when it comes to annotating PDF's compared to GoodReader

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Batpad said:
I think I prefer Noteplus. It has a built in voice recorder and you draw type and write notes. NoteTaker is overly complex and it is slow when it comes to annotating PDF's compared to GoodReader

Sent from my iPad using iPF - The only stupid question is the one you don't ask

I haven't had the time to work with it, but I did get it while it was on sale. SOOOOO happy to save that 4.28$. I just want WritePad to go on sale again.

Tomorrow, I will review my FREE copy of eNoteTaker. I'm taking a brief break from my 10 pager right now.

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Okay, so I am back to review eNote Taker. It's not worth 2$. It's worth maybe .99. Yes, it is easy to use, allow ease of access to notebooks, colored pens and highlighters. It's like Windows Paint with paper and a pad. It's cool, but I'm happy it was free. Props to the creator for taking a jump, but its going to need a lot more to compete with NTHD or Notes Plus. I doubt it's even comparable to free Evernote.

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