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Folders and IOS 7.0.3


iPF Noob
I have an iPad 4 with the last IOS6 version.

The one biggie I had when IOS 7 came out was folders and wonder now with 7.0.3 if there has been a fix.

With IOS 6 i could have 20 apps and bookmarks (from Safari and sent to the home screen) then dropped into a
Folder (also on the home screen) but then with IOS 7.0.0 stuck with 9 apps & bookmarks to one page. Having all 20 available to select from on a single page was great. But now searching for an App through the many pages tedious.

So, now with 7.0.3 out - is folder organization better than 7.0.0 ?
Seth--I have deleted your other post that was posted in the news thread.


Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
I have an iPad 4 with the last IOS6 version.

The one biggie I had when IOS 7 came out was folders and wonder now with 7.0.3 if there has been a fix.

With IOS 6 i could have 20 apps and bookmarks (from Safari and sent to the home screen) then dropped into a
Folder (also on the home screen) but then with IOS 7.0.0 stuck with 9 apps & bookmarks to one page. Having all 20 available to select from on a single page was great. But now searching for an App through the many pages tedious.

So, now with 7.0.3 out - is folder organization better than 7.0.0 ?

Sorry, but there is no change in folder management. While you still can put in a virtually unlimited amount of apps in a folder, you can still only see nine per page.

There is no way to do this on a stock iPad. The folders are set by apple's coding and cannot be changed.

However, if you were to jail break your iPad, there is a new tweak called "BetterFolders" that allows you to have a 4 x 4 layout in order to display up to 16 icons per folder page (versus 9 on a 3 x 3 layout on a stock iPad).

Again, this is only for a jail broken iPad. On as stock iPad, no change is possible. Sorry.


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