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Folders for pages?

Can you put your documents from pages into folders to organize them?

The My Documents area of Pages cannot be organised into folders. However, Pages directly supports the Apple MobileMe iDisk cloud storage and folders are fully supported by that facility. It was never Apple's intention that users would store large volumes of documents on the iPad. Rather they would move them on and off the iDisk or other cloud storage and only keep a few relevant documents locally on the iPad.

The best I have come up with for alphabatizing docouments is: Mail them to yourself as PDF files. Or find a way to convert them to PDF. (Im looking) then open them to iBooks. Each docoument shows up on the books shelf list in order.
You can now organise documents in Pages into folders. Simply hold your finger on a particular document you want to organise for a few seconds so that it is highlighted, then drag it on top of another document that you want to be in the same folder as the highlighted document. These two documents will then merge to create a folder.
Thanks for updating this. Yes, the post I gave before was correct at the time, but the latest update to Pages, as you correctly point out, now supports folders. Thanks for this - much appreciated.

Thanks for updating this. Yes, the post I gave before was correct at the time, but the latest update to Pages, as you correctly point out, now supports folders. Thanks for this - much appreciated.


It still works in the current version

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk

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