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For the nudists


iPF Novice
I've fallen prey to the iPad 2 case researching, reviewing, and buying frenzy. If you haven't, how do you interact with your naked iPad?

Are you holding it on your hands all the time? Have you bought a stand? Do you have an external keyboard?

In short, how does the "no-case" crowd get around?
i generally have mine on my home office desk. its there about 85% of it's life.
it's on one of these stands i purchased in ebay -


i have a similar style stand for my ipod Touch too.

For a sleeve i use the leather smart cover. basically for when im around the rest of the house with it.

when i leave the house on business, i purchased one of these from ebay -


nice and cheap and simple. and works with the smart cover too.

other than that i've purchased several styluseses, a few cables and a fling controller for games.

but in essence, i like my ipad as naked as the day it was born. it's a damn sexy beast, so thats what i like to see and show off :)
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If you like the SmartCover, a clear polycarbonate back case such as the one from The JoyFactory gives a somewhat better grip and a warmer overarall feel to the iPad 2. The CoverBuddy is another one which people seem to like and, of course, cases of this type protect the back of the device. There are several threads on this topic.
Yeah I was more asking about how you interact with your ipad and less how you cover it if you don't have an actual case. I use my ipad for mobile web use, word processing, and gaming. I can't imagine doing those things without a case or keyboard.

So for the folks who don't have a case or keyboard. How are you using your iPad? Just wondering how the other side lives. ;-)
Well, fwiw, my iPad arrived the very day before I left for a weekend camping. Never had an iPad before, hadn't gone camping since I was a teen. Unbelievably I was told the camp site had wi-fi, so I took the iPad. When I wasn't playing with it, it went straight back in the box it came in, and with the shrink wrap.

It's just too slim and slippery for my hands. I was afraid I'd drop it or it'd slide off my knee. I didn't care for getting a screen protector but the first thing I did get when I got home was a case!

(A cheap case, mind. If I spent £60!! on a case, I'd want a second case to protect the first case, if you see what I mean. I could end up with a Russian doll of protective measures.)

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