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For those of you that have switched to iOS7...... a question


iPF Noob
I have an jail broken iPad 2 running iOS 5 and an iPhone 4s running iOS7. I find that many of the APPs that I use regularly and some of the new ones that I would like to use require iOS 7. I have reached a tipping point where I would be willing to give up the wonders of JB to be able to use the newer APPs.

I have read through the forums and realize that IiPad 2 is not the ideal platform for iOS7. With iOS 7.0.4 Apple has had some time to fix some of the glitches.

My question: Is your iPad 2 with iOS 7.0.4 working as well as it did before you updated?

BTW: I know that I am the only one that can make this decision. I don't want to know if you like 6 better than 7. Turns out that I really like iOS 7.

I just want to know if it works on the iPad 2 without bringing your work to a screaming halt now and then.

Thank-you for your thoughts. I'll let you know what I decide.

bob in Vermont
I had an iPad 2 and gave it to my daughter who is using it now, with the latest software installed. She never had any problems since updating to iOS 7.
If you know a family member or acquaintance with a device running iOS 7, see if they'll let you breeze around their device to get the feel of what iOS 7 brings in comparison to iOS 6. Hands-on experience is the best decision maker when it comes to technology. Others may have different preferences than you do, so it's hard to make a decision in verbal purveyance alone. Or, you can drop by a local electronics store with one on display and play around with it. If there's an Apple Store nearby, you can always drop by there and ask for a rep's feedback on the iOS 6 to iOS 7 transition as well while you browse through the device's features

Sent from my iPad Mini
If I could remember correctly, apple allowed apps that require iOS 7 to be used in lower iOS versions by allowing you to download the versions of the app that is compatible with your current iOS version. I can't remember if this is true. I think I may suggest you research about it. If there are apps that was released after iOS 7 is released then I don't think you can download it.

Also as for your question my iPad 2 worked fine. It had a little lag, and appe takes a little longer to open, but overall still good.
Only issue I have had with iOS 7 is that a couple of my Facebook game apps crash as soon as I try to play them. Went back see if any updates were available and found nothing - keep checking but no change as of yet. Would really like to get Pet Rescue Saga working again. Candy Crush works fine.
Thanks for the replies. My iPad has iOS 5. iPhone is on iOS 7.0.4.

Seraphim ---I have had some APPs tell me that they require 6 or 7 and offer to download an earlier version.

Willerz2 -- I live on 2 miles of dirt road in Vermont, the closest store selling Apple products is on the other side of the Green Mtns. or in Burlington 50 miles away. LOL

Any one else? To quote Frasier "I'm listening."

No issues on my iPhone 5 with 7.04 no crashes and better battery life than ios6

iPad 3 no crashes on 7.04 however battery drains faster than previous ios6 I now suspect it is 3 games inc candy crush also face book

I have tweeted the set up a and restored to factory on my laptop however I have not done a restore since loading 7.04

Not stressed nor upset waiting for 7.1 to be released and also waitin for developers to get there software working correctly
My mom has an iPad2 that is running fine on iOS 7.0.4. I'm her IT person and I installed the iOS via the over-the-air (OTA) update.

I update hers whenever updates come out and so far, knock on wood, she has had no difficulties (or at least she has not told me anything ... and believe you me, she would! :)).

She only uses it for games and such but again, it seems to work fine.

Well how about that!!!

I hooked it up to iTunes it did an automatic Sync and every thin came back. Learn something new every day. I thought it would sync as part of the restore process.


I did it. My iPad 2 is now running iOS 7.0.4.

A Couple unexpected things happened:

The restore from computer took over 3 hours. Is that normal ?
A majority of my icons are grayed out. I tried a power off reset -- nothing. I deleted a couple APPs and reinstalled. They worked fine and remembered my settings. Unless someone can sugest a quick fix I'm going to delete them all and reinstall. I was planning to get rid of many unused APPs anyway. So, I'll just reinstall as I need them.

Thanks again for your help.

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Thanks for the replies. My iPad has iOS 5. iPhone is on iOS 7.0.4.

Seraphim ---I have had some APPs tell me that they require 6 or 7 and offer to download an earlier version.

Willerz2 -- I live on 2 miles of dirt road in Vermont, the closest store selling Apple products is on the other side of the Green Mtns. or in Burlington 50 miles away. LOL

Any one else? To quote Frasier "I'm listening."


Well I guess you have to at least update to iOS 6, or 7 of you want those apps.

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