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For those of you who DIDN'T have any problems upgrading to IOS 5.....

I didn't have any issues either. Even when I shifted my iPad 2 and the syncing wiggled loose a little. I pushed it back in and it continued without a hitch, as a side note I don't backup to iCloud because I already do offsite backups with another provider.
I had no issue whatsoever upgrading mu iPad 2 and my iPhone 4. I had a minor glitch upgrading my wife's iPad 2 but it turned out ok eventually.

Sent from my iPad2 3G 32 gig (not JB'ed) / using iPF
Starting @1:30pm (ET) the day of the release I had no problem at all . It took a little over an hour to download and install. I did not use the i Cloud since I do not intend to become cloudy.
So, it all started Tuesday when a friend asked me to show her how to install and use the Overdrive app (so she could get books from the public library). I'm thinking "easy peasy, 15 minutes, tops!"


Turns out that her new iPad1, that she got a month ago, was on iOS 3.2.2 (!). So, that 15 minutes turned into 1 hour and 45 minutes! :D

But - it was flawless. She has a new Mac with Lion installed (BTW - that thing is gorgeous! I was so jealous...). Here's how it went and what I did:

1) Installed iTunes 10.5
2) Plugged in the iPad and told iTunes that no, I did not want to install the update ... just yet. Then I
(a) left clicked on her iPad to "Transfer Purchases" and
(b) left clicked again to "Backup"
3) Then, in iTunes, I pressed the button to upgrade the iPad
4) After a LONG time (that iOS 5 file is huge!), iTunes did it's magic and installed iOS
5) I kept accepting the defaults, so iTunes and the iPad talked to each other to update the iPad
6) After a while, the iPad said it was ready to set up. I did the new iOS 5 set-up on the iPad (basically, just let the iPad walk me through the steps, and just selecting the defaults)
7) Then, I got offered the option to restore from new or backup - I picked backup
8) iTunes and the iPad talked for another long while - and then it was done with her apps (and music, Mail, etc.) all sync'd.

Done. Again, the biggest thing was time. It was a painless update (probably because I did it a week after every Tom, Dick and Harry tried to kill the servers last week...).

Oh, and the Overdrive download, install and training? 10 minutes! Sigh. I'm such a nice friend!


Finally did it. Having read about the issues other people have had, I decided to use my iPad to practice with, as I figured I could do without that if it came to a choice. My iPhone is my lifeline so I did not want to take any chances.

Updated iTunes. Swore at the computer a few times because it kept hanging. No surprises there. Plugged in the iPad 2, and synced it, updated all the apps, then downloaded the OS. Download took about 8 minutes, and less than an hour to restore. Lost my books and videos, but everything else survived.

Then turned to the iPhone. Similar process and similar results. This time, I kept my books, but lost my music. No big deal as I frequently clear out the music and refresh my mobile collection. My contact list came back after I restored from backup.

All in all, not a bad experience, although I would pity anyone who is not computer savvy. The upgrade procedure was not entirely intuitive, but all things considered, went quite well.

Now I have to decide how much cash to throw at Apple for extra iCloud storage.
Was fine but very long winded - took about an hour and a half. Got there in the end, luckily I am ok with computers but would think people that are not familiar with i pad and i tunes may struggle a bit.
I updated to 5 last week. After backing up essential files to my laptop, updating iTunes, and synching to it, I was finally ready for the IOS 5 update.

All that was required was patience. I chose Sunday, the slowest day of the week to complete the process, and my iPad was in fighting form for the beginning of a grueling work week.
Was out on vacation the week the update came out, didn't mind - hoping all the bugs would be gone and the upgrade would not be bogged down by so many applying it. So I applied it to my iPhone4 and 32g WiFi iPad 1 last Wednesday (10.19.11). Not sure how long it took as I started it (iPhone4) and left it alone, checked hour or so later and all done - same with iPad. So far have not discovered any issues, still finding things it will do differently. All in all, guess I like the changes.


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