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Former android tab guy... Just got an iPad..need help!


iPF Noob
I'm a former Samsung galaxy tab 10.1 user and loved it... But sold it recently in order to try out other tabs...

I'm hoping you veteran apple users can help me adjust to the issues I have with iPad :

1. I download tv shows/movies from torrent sites (avi files mostly) ...i am unable to copy these to iTunes.
With droid, I simply copy/paste entire tv show folder with 12 shows on the tablet n it's very easy to play.
The whole process takes 5 mins. With iPad... I'm having a headache trying to figure this out...

How can i quickly/ easily do the same on iPad ?

2. If I'm traveling , and I want to upload video/pics from my friends laptop to my iPad.... How can I do this without
Losing what I already have uploaded on iPad from my home pc ? Can the iPad sync to different pcs ?

3. there a way to safely add/remove files from iPad without using iTunes ?

4. On google apps, I was able to return apps for full refund right thru app market within a certain time allotted by developer.... Does app store allow returns ?

5. How can I adjust brightness while viewing videos/Netflix ? On droid...this is easily done by clicking on the bottom right status bar n adjusting the brightness bar. On iPad... I have to exit netflix .. Open settings..etc... Then re open Netflix again...seems more of a nuisance not having a quick way to do this.

6. Are there shortcuts to toggle Bluetooth/ wifi / gps ?
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hi avi movies and so on I found avplayerhd works for me you have to go though ITunes then click on apps look for avplayerhd app click on it go to bottom of screen and click add find files and away you go plays everything I throw at it

To remove apps hold your finger on them they shake click x and it's gone

Hope this helps


Mrkool44 said:
I'm a former Samsung galaxy tab 10.1 user and loved it... But sold it recently in order to try out other tabs...

I'm hoping you veteran apple users can help me adjust to the issues I have with iPad :

1. I download tv shows/movies from torrent sites (avi files mostly) ...i am unable to copy these to iTunes.
With droid, I simply copy/paste entire tv show folder with 12 shows on the tablet n it's very easy to play.
The whole process takes 5 mins. With iPad... I'm having a headache trying to figure this out...

This is PIRACY and we DO NOT condone it here and besides it being against our Rules it is ILLEGAL and you shall get no help here with regards to anything related to Piracy.

Here is a link to our Forum Rules to better acquaint yourself.

1. As already noted - this is likely piracy when you are talking about TV shows and movies, therefore illegal therefore no help for that - however, there are AVI files that are not pirated, I have a DV camcorder that used to easily convert video to AVI.
so... while I am not an expert with iPad I know there are apps for the iPhone that allow update FileExplorer and FileApp. They allow you to connect and transfer files wirelessly to the iPhone using either ftp or http upload. Though regular iPhone apps would not see them because they are in a sandbox area and you have to rely on the built in viewers in those apps to view the files. To get regular IOS apps to see your files, you have to transfer them with iTunes (there is a way to do this wireless)

I've also set up a internet connected server at home, and a media player so I can watch any media on my computer from anywhere. I've recently found the iOmega line of network connected storage has that build in and an iPhone app.

So there are options but you have to think outside the box.

2. iTunes can connect in Guest mode.

3. Someone answered this.. hold finger until icon starts to wiggle - and click x. To add see
6. I've only found that jailbreaking usually gives you those shortcuts. Right now it's not an option with the iPad.

7. Being an IT guy, I am quite comfortable with everything computer related, and found many of the non-jailbroken IOS constraints quite limiting. Have you considered that perhaps an Android tablet is what you really want - if those things you listed are really important.
However, I have also found that what I can do in IOS with the polished apps that are available is more than what is in Android.

That is why I have kept my Acer android tablet and am getting the iPad.
First of all, I feel for you, as I still struggle with having an Android phone and using an iPad and get frustrated with the shortcomings of both. I wish I could have the best of both worlds.

3. there a way to safely add/remove files from iPad without using iTunes ?

I have no idea why people are telling you to long-press to get the wiggle and then press the x. That's how you delete apps. If you want to add/remove files without iTunes, using something like Dropbox might be the best way. As you said, it's a piece of cake on Android...plug in the USB cable and it mounts the SD card and you just copy files back and forth like you would with an external drive. Wish the iPad would let us do that, but alas, tis not to be.

4. On google apps, I was able to return apps for full refund right thru app market within a certain time allotted by developer.... Does app store allow returns ?

Ha. No. For others who don't know what he's referring to, on Android, as long as you uninstall an app within 15 minutes, it automatically refunds you, no questions asked. It's a great way to get a short free trial of anything, but it was a lot nicer when they had the 24 hour return window. Don't know why they went from 24 hours to 15 minutes (should be at least 30). But iTunes doesn't have anything. I think you can complain or something and maybe the dev will issue a refund if they're nice, but I've never personally had to do it. I spend quite a bit researching the app before deciding to drop money on it because of the lack of being able to get a refund (not a big deal for a 99 cent app, but when you start getting in to the $5, $10, $20 apps it can get expensive to buy something that doesn't do what you want it to).

5. How can I adjust brightness while viewing videos/Netflix ? On droid...this is easily done by clicking on the bottom right status bar n adjusting the brightness bar. On iPad... I have to exit netflix .. Open settings..etc... Then re open Netflix again...seems more of a nuisance not having a quick way to do this.

AFAIK, you have to back out on the iPad like you pointed out. Not sure why the iPad doesn't have that like Android has. Maybe they'll add it sometime, as it seems like an odd omission from the iOS version.

6. Are there shortcuts to toggle Bluetooth/ wifi / gps ?

I assume you mean like the toggle widgets Android has (either on the screen or in the notification area)? I don't think anything like that exists on the iPad, and you have to go through the settings menu. However, now that they have the pulldown notification menu like Android, maybe they'll add the toggles to it in iOS 6. Here's hoping.

I agree with another poster: perhaps Android is what you are actually looking for, since it appears perhaps you want to do some more techy things that the iPad isn't going to let you do easily (if you consider that kind of simple basic stuff "techy"). I already know my next tablet will be an Android running ICS (unless the Windows 8 tablets look better than I expect them to be), but that's me and what I personally want out of a tablet. Don't get me wrong: I like my iPad, but the only reason I have it is because the company bought it for me. Android just better suits my personal wants and needs in an operating system, and iOS's closed system is frustrating to try to work around for me (heck, I could change the default browser in Windows 3.1 back in the 90's, but can't in iOS 5? That makes me a sad panda).
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No need to kill Netflix (or any other app) to adjust your brightness. Swipe four or five fingers up from the bottom of the screen or double click the home button to reveal the multitasking bar. Slide the bar to the right to expose the volume and brightness bars. See screenshot for an example. Hope this helps.

Also, you are always able to request a refund from iTunes for the first time you purchase an app (you can't repurchase and ask for a refund again). Apple iTunes support page has a detailed explanation about the process (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1933). I have done this for multiple apps that I have not been satisfied with or did not perform as advertised. The only exception would be for "in-app" purchases. If you purchase upgrades in an app, you will have to crawl on hands and knees to the developer of the app (good luck with that)!!
No need to kill Netflix (or any other app) to adjust your brightness. Swipe four or five fingers up from the bottom of the screen or double click the home button to reveal the multitasking bar. Slide the bar to the right to expose the volume and brightness bars. See screenshot for an example. Hope this helps.

Well, thanks for that. I guess it pays off to RTFM!! :D
@Zphone, that was perfect way to give that answer. You listed both the multi touch gesture and the double click of the home button. I tried out the gestures and found that they clashed when playing the piano keys with more than two fingers, and it was worse with GarageBand when playing the guitar using chords. Any way, I had forgotten the gesture for pulling up the screen to access the open apps and music controls. Thanks for the reminder.

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace
Wish I could take credit, but it was the poster before me dawz2. It is a rather good answer though, that I am sure many experienced users don't know.
First off, piracy is not cool n I should have been more clear...I only get network tvshows...which r free online neways.
But more so, I have a lot of home vids and ripped my DVD collection to watch offline when traveling.. Most of them are .avi files.

Note: only had the ipad2 for about 5 days now..so still learning ..

1. Solution: I researched and got avplayerHD for $3. Along with iTunes, I was able to sync Avis and MKv files.
This is working out really good so far...Problem solved!

2. iPad download files from multiple pcs? No solution... Heard you can use guest iTunes , how's that work?
Ie. I use my desktop pc as main iTunes sync pc. But when I travel...I have my desktop n frequently save new pics/videos from my camera to laptop. I would like to add the new pics/vids to iPad w/o erasing anything existing on iPad .... Still don't have clear answer ont his ?

3. Solution: basically none...except using Dropbox like alternatives.. But I can live without this feature I suppose.

4. Solution: Ok, no returns... I can live with this too

5. Solution: Thx to the guy who mentioned 4 finger swipe...that's perfect!

6. No solution: Cannot toggle wifi, gps settings easily. Must go into settings to disable/enable. :(
The reason I did this on android tab was to conserve battery power when tab is not in use for hours at a time.
Does iPad do any auto power saving when iPad is sitting Idle for say 6-8 hours ? Is there a lot of background syncing going on in apple like android for this to be a big deal ?

Thanks for your help... I am getting used to the ipad2. I bought a transformer prime yesterday and it can't come close to the performance of ipad2 in terms of user interface, browsing, general speed in moving around the tab n apps. I was disappointed, as I thought for sure a quad core tab would beat an ipad2 , but it's just too laggy/buggy to ever be a solid ipad replacement :/

So, as much as I'd like a android tab... The reason I got rid of my Samsung tab 10.1 was b/c of the choppy browsing n not so smooth interface like iPad...it did everything else well.

Note: I am planning on returning transformer tab . I am also planning on returning Ipad2 within 3 weeks in order to buy ipad3 ( that's IF I get the above solutions worked out !)
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Mrkool44 said:
6. No solution: Cannot toggle wifi, gps settings easily. Must go into settings to disable/enable. :(
The reason I did this on android tab was to conserve battery power when tab is not in use for hours at a time.
Does iPad do any auto power saving when iPad is sitting Idle for say 6-8 hours ? Is there a lot of background syncing going on in apple like android for this to be a big deal ?

I don't have my iPad set up to sync over the air. I have it set for wired synching. My computer is off most of the time anyway so it wouldn't matter, but I think it may be searching for a computer connection if it was set to wirelessly sync. I haven't noticed that there is much battery loss when I am away from a wifi connection, but I could turn it off by getting into the Settings app. It only takes about four office touches if I am in an app.
With the wifi radio on and the iPad idle for a while it will be searching from time to time for wifi signals and looking for known SSIDs. This can nibble on the battery. You can turn the iPad off if you are going to be not needing it for a while to preserve the battery. Press and hold the power button at the top for about two seconds until the red power off slider shows up. Slide. It will take a couple minutes for the iPad to initialize when you are ready to use it again since it would be starting from a cold state.
On a jailbroken iPad you could have quick access to settings using different apps or tweaks. However, as far as I know, there is no jailbreak for the iPad 2 with iOS 5.1.

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace
Today I left the house with a 100% battery. About thirty minutes later I remembered to turn off the wifi. Nine hours later I checked the battery. It was still at 100%. I didn't use it and it was sleeping.
It has been ten and a half hours and it still is at 100%.
You should be good for quite a while with leaving the wifi on with the iPad in sleeping mode.

Sent from my iPad using iPF - Peace

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