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A lock means the moderators have locked the thread so nobody else can posted on it. A push pin means it's a sticky and will always stay at the top of the forum unlike normal threads which go in date order.

Any others your curious about ?
DefBref said:
A lock means the moderators have locked the thread so nobody else can posted on it. A push pin means it's a sticky and will always stay at the top of the forum unlike normal threads which go in date order.

Any others your curious about ?

My iPad 2 front camera is locked and won't open, what do I do?
Trying to upload a 3.5mb zip widget file but keep getting the error message
"413 Request Entity Too Large". The attachments page states that there's a
19.07mb limit on zip files though.
I've searched for an answer and found none so my question is, what do all the new icons mean next to the thread headings. There are a revolving green arrow, A red exclamation mark, A light bulb, A blue downward pointing arrow, etc. Is there a key somewhere that tells you?
TheRambler said:
I've searched for an answer and found none so my question is, what do all the new icons mean next to the thread headings. There are a revolving green arrow, A red exclamation mark, A light bulb, A blue downward pointing arrow, etc. Is there a key somewhere that tells you?

They basically mean nothing! When you create a thread you could always choose an icon to represent it, but the meaning of it is completely arbitrary. The icons have changed with the new theme, so you probably notice them more now, but they really don't mean a thing! Its entirely up to the author of the post if they want an icon and what they think it means to the thread!
I've searched for an answer and found none so my question is, what do all the new icons mean next to the thread headings. There are a revolving green arrow, A red exclamation mark, A light bulb, A blue downward pointing arrow, etc. Is there a key somewhere that tells you?
Also, there are new icons next to the thread topics...


The legend is included in the regular forum pages at the bottom.
Last edited:
this site has gone totally iconotastic!!!!

I like how its gone, it was a big change to make in one swoop but it seems to work for me.
How do I unsubscibe from a thread. I did a search but it does not did answer my question. I placed a check mark next to thread and I click empty contents but that only gave me some "can't find folder error"
Expidia said:
How do I unsubscibe from a thread. I did a search but it does not did answer my question. I placed a check mark next to thread and I click empty contents but that only gave me some "can't find folder error"

open the thread, click "Thread Tools", then click "Unsubscribe from thread" ;)
How do I unsubscibe from a thread. I did a search but it does not did answer my question. I placed a check mark next to thread and I click empty contents but that only gave me some "can't find folder error"
In addition to using the Thread Tools there is an "Unsubscribe" link in all of the email notices that are generated...near the bottom of the email.

Thanks for being part of the forum!
Is there a way to search for text within a specific thread? I was reading a thread that was 47 pages long the other day, and today went back to find a specific post in that thread but could not find a way to search just that thread for the text I wanted. The overall search didn't find the post I wanted for some reason, so I had to go through the thread page by page and search for the text string on each page. Thanks
vbriggs said:
Is there a way to search for text within a specific thread? I was reading a thread that was 47 pages long the other day, and today went back to find a specific post in that thread but could not find a way to search just that thread for the text I wanted. The overall search didn't find the post I wanted for some reason, so I had to go through the thread page by page and search for the text string on each page. Thanks

hi, i think you're referring to a 'post'. in the ipf app, there's an option for 'show results as' in search where you can choose 'posts' instead of 'threads'. the text you indicated is then shown in red...

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