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Four Security Tips for your iPad


Staff member

Great post on the New York Times Gadgetwise blog today about how to keep your iPad secure and private. As the blog points out, your iPad is a mini-computer that stores a lot of personal data, which could be a big problem if it’s ever lost or stolen. Gadgetwise therefore offers four key ways to keep your iPad safe and secure, with the first being simply to remember to lock your iPad, via Settings>General>Passcode Lock.

The second tip is only appropriate should you be unlucky enough to lose your iPad or have it stolen, and it is to use Apple’s MobileMe’s “Find My iPad†service, which could help you to locate your lost iPad on a map, and then even lock it remotely.
Gadgetwise’s third tip is to use a password manager app such as 1password, eWallet, or mSecure to create really robust passwords for any online services that you might be using.

And the final tip is to be sure to delete your history, cookies and cache in Safari from your iPad’s home screen via Settings>Safari if you don’t want anyone to be able to see what internet sites you’ve been visiting.
Although not included in their four tips, the blog also features an iPad case from NewPCgadgets that has a combination lock, which is of course another practical way of preventing your iPad security from being compromised if lost or stolen.

By Maura Sutton, iPadForums.net
4 Ways to Keep an iPad Secure and Private - Gadgetwise Blog - NYTimes.com
Speaking of which: Is there any way to physically lock my iPad to something (preferably immovable)? Does it even have a Kensington Security Slot? This is the kind of thing that could go bye-bye really fast.
I doubt that any thief would have a problem defeating that locking case. It would be more of an annoyance to me than to him.
great post ..i do a lot of the what the guy says about beening safe when you are useing the ipad.
great post iDan, very useful article! That has to be the coolest feature being able to lock your iPad remotely with MobileMe!!
The Passcode Lock erases your ipad data after 10 failed attempts. Is there a way to reduce this to fewer attempts? 10 seems like quite a lot
Kensington lock work-around: PadLock

Speaking of which: Is there any way to physically lock my iPad to something (preferably immovable)? Does it even have a Kensington Security Slot? This is the kind of thing that could go bye-bye really fast.

Hey Rowan!

Such a pity that there is no Kensington lock port on iPad... but we found a work-around! :) We wrote a software which might be helpful for those who are afraid of their iPad being taken.

google: PadLock by Kitchen Budapest (forum doesn't allow me to embed links)

The PadLock software really works like a Kensington lock for your iPad. It can protect your iPad physically - in a sense that you can lock it to your computer which you can already connect with Kensigton lock to something immovable.

It is continuously tracking whether your devices are connected to your computer with a USB cable. If any of the devices gets disconnected an alarm sound goes on immediately.
great post iDan, very useful article! That has to be the coolest feature being able to lock your iPad remotely with MobileMe!!

You can also do this through your company's Exchange server. If my iPad goes missing, I can log into the webmail and wipe it from my iPhone immediately.

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