Anyone found the optimal conversion to get max quality at min size?
Anyone found the optimal conversion to get max quality at min size?
I think I do...but I don't have my ipad yet to test it(3G)
I use video monkey, which is who is continuing the isquint source code.
I use the apple TV setting. it outputs the file in the correct screen resolution for the ipad. but, I use the lowest video quality setting (~600mb movie). when viewed in a window the same size as ipad, it seems great. I will let you know Friday.
I previously ripped my DVDs with handbrake
what did you do? Upscale? You say your source is dvd but then go on to say you are encoding at ipad resolution, which is 1024*(aspectratio). Dvd's are better off not being upscaled. If you use a source which is hd, then of-course use the 1024*(aspectratio) to get max quality for the screen size. Up to 1280x720 is supported, but you can cut corners to save on file size.