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Freedom Pro Keyboard


Last night I was browsing Internet and came across one called the iKeyboard, it looks exactly like apple one but seems to have shortcut keys like you can open apps from the keys.

I think this is great as I have some co-ordination issues and will help me use my phone better as well as for texting.

I don't know how it's managed to get keys to open apps as I thought apart from text input it was touchscreen but it be great if you could also use it to navigate through icons via the arrow keys.

Here is link to where I saw it

XSKN Booth Showed Innovative Accessories at Macworld | Gary Abel | iPhone Life

I wondered if anyone else knew when this may be available in UK or for shipping?


It's not even in existence yet if you read the article. The picture is a prototype and not even close to being made. Apple hasn't even given them the go ahead yet according to the article.
The article was dated February and it's now June!

I thought with OS4 now officially accepting Bluetooth keyboards that they would be starting to make them. they must have known it was a possibility if they had started building a prototype last year (some reports were dated 2009)

I found the companies site who also sell the Mac overlays for keyboards and it's also on there next to a paypal/payment icon. I have emailed to ask when it may be available, there's also a video of one working on YouTube but it's in Dutch. Surely can't be that far off now?


Sent from my iPad :ipad-keyboard:
Freedom Pro Keyboard Observations

I have owned a pro keyboard for about six weeks now. I am writing a novel and download chapters to my iPad so I can work on them at those odd moments of spare time.

The keyboard is very easy to carry around. It is about the size of a small paperback book when folded. Beyond a learning curve on my part about pairing, the pairing was very simple. The keystrokes show up quickly on the iPad screen. All in all it is very effective.

However, first the keys are closer together than on the Apple wireless keyboard which is itself somewhat closer than a regular keyboard. My hands are a bit stiff from being in my sixties. I make a lot of mistakes as a result which slows down my typing speed. The other thing that is rather irritating to me is the up, down, left and right keys are very close to the shift key and other keys in the lower right corner of the keyboard. I am continuously hitting the up key while I'm typing which leads to some pretty strange results at time. Thank heavens for undo.

The final issue I have with it is it sits absolutely flat on the desk surface. I have bought some rubber feet which I plan to stick on the upper edge to elevate it, but I have yet to try that out.

All in all, I give it a good rating. But for me personally, I will keep an eye out for a thin keyboard with a bit better key spacing.

I have looked at the Matias keyboard. At 1.3 inches thick and ten inches long folded, it would feel like a brick carrying it around I suspect.

For what its worth.

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