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FullForce Will Not Install


iPF Noob
I recently jailbroke my iPad. i was trying to get the usual apps installed but i am unable to install it because i get the following message...


Does anyone have any ideas on how to get this working?

I've had the same problem when I installed openbrowser app from cydia which lets you change the default browser. When I removed it everything went back to normal, no gsc.wildcat problem anymore.

Admin/moderators: you can't post replies with iCab Mobile browser for iPad.
Its telling you that fullforce requires the app called applist to be installed in order to work and it cant find that app on cydia. I'm not impressed with fullforce, almost none of the apps work well in full screen.

Rafau, thats an issue with the browser not the site.
WTF is gsc.wildcat and where can I get it?
A now have 3 apps that want it and nowhere to get it from.

If you get the DEB of the app you want that needs gsc.wildcat, just install it the normal way.

So far FullForce and YourTubeHD both work fine but I cant install anything in Cydia as they both get removed.

Is gsc.wildcat a DEB we can install or a file that needs to go somewhere? If anyone has it can you tell us where to get it from and where it goes on the iPad so we can either install it or copy it there manually.
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Its telling you that fullforce requires the app called applist to be installed in order to work and it cant find that app on cydia. I'm not impressed with fullforce, almost none of the apps work well in full screen.

Rafau, thats an issue with the browser not the site.

Should change the name to fullforcefacebook since it only seems to work with one app.
just turn off you ipad completely. when it boots back up, go straight to cydia and then download fullforce, it will work then, i had the same problem.

and gentlefury's right it only seems to work with FB or sky news!
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just turn off you ipad completely. when it boots back up, go straight to cydia and then download fullforce, it will work then, i had the same problem.

and gentlefury's right it only seems to work with FB or sky news!

I tried this, but it still doesn't work. Still comes up looking for gsc.wildcat
Depends on what firmware your running.
It only works on 3.2.*
In iOS 4.2.1 that doesn't work.

I just did a fresh restore and jailbreaked it.

I STILL GET THE ERROR. Its the very first thing I tried in Cydia.

So, 4.2.1 DOES NOT have GSC.WILDCAT and will refuse to install anything that uses it.

Another reason to NOT update to 4.2.1.

Want another reason, The camera USB device no longer lets you connect a USB stick.

2 very good reasons to downgrade back to 3.2.2
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The camera USB device no longer lets you connect a USB stick.

2 very good reasons to downgrade back to 3.2.2

Is this jailbroken? Using file?

Can anybody confirm this? If so I won't be updating, I don't care for multitasking or folders, I've got backgrounder and categories for that!
I checked it without jailbreaking and it still refuses to load anything from USB sticks in 4.2.1
I didn't check the SD card dongle as I don't use it but I use the USB dongle all the time.

I downgraded back to 3.2.2 and its working again.

Everything is working again. FullForce is fine, SwirlyMMS for iPad3G is working again, backgrounder is a heap better than native multitasking so why should anyone upgrade to the buggy 4.2.1?

I checked a lot yesterday as I restored 4.2.1 and 3.2.2 about 3 times each and 4.2.1 has a lot of bugs and faults and good features removed.
I personally will be waiting for a full unteathered jailbreak and a hack so usb devices work again. probably even wait till 4.3 as I dont like 4.2.1 at all.
yeah same here mate, I got everything I need on 3.2.2, the ability to plug in a usb memory stick or external hard drive is a big plus and I don't want to lose that!

I don't need airplay, (no apple TV), I don't need airprint (i can send it to my pc and print there)

i'm staying with 3.2.2 :)
...backgrounder is a heap better than native multitasking...

I dunno about that. On my iPhone4 it seems that native 4.x multitasking enhanced with SwitcherMod or Multifl0w and native 4.x folders enhanced with FolderEnhancer blow Backgrounder and Categories away. Even before selling my 3GS to get the 4, I had the same setup as above it and it all worked so much better than Backgrounder and Categories.

Last I checked on my iPad, Categories still hadn't compensated for the larger screen and native springboard rotation (I was using SpringJumps due to this because my primary iPad usage is while mounted in my car in landscape orientation). I'm guessing that, as with the 3GS and 4, both Backgrounder and Categories will be pointless. Backgrounder's only value will be in supporting apps that don't natively multitask, but that list is quickly shrinking.

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