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Game center friends.

Hi. I am new to using game center and I am playing lil kingdom and can't figure out how to visit my friends to hopefully give them stuff and show them how to give me stuff. Can any one help me?
My friends dont give me gems ni more
Gc slownhappy
Dragon vale
And others
Zynga also
Cant remember where friends are needed
And where just for playing togather or comparing scores
Too much
Frastrated from facebook googleplus ipad
Too complicated hard work
Any advices also welcomed
Gardens of time cnat decide if move to ipad or stay on googleplus lvl 25 ish
Please Add Me. Looking for Gardens of Time Mobile Friends / Neighbours.

Game Centre ID is: +-(PennyLee)-+

Garden Name is: Penny's iPad

If anybody plays Diamond Dash, please add me as a friend, my Game Center userid is omah1975, look forward to playing with you all soon

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