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GarageBand iPad - listen to headphones and record into built-in mic at the same time?


iPF Noob
Hi, anyone know if it is possible to listen to the metronome in headphones, while recording audio into the built-it iPad2 mic at the same time?

Whenever I plug in headphones to hear metronome, garageband assumes I want to record into the device plugged into the headphone jack, hence the audio comes out very quiet - since it all comes in trough whatever headphone diaphragm picks up.

I want to listen to metronome for beat while recording into built in mic.

If I unplug headphones, garageband records into built-in mic, but it picks up the metronome beat as well.

I know I can turn off the metronome and record into built in mic that way, but the idea is for metronome to help you keep the beat as you record.

Is there a setting I missed?


Intereting challenge. I will give that a try this evening. Are you using headphones with the extra mic contact? Such as Apples own head phones?

I let you know.... hum maybe new use for my 60 buck usb voice dictation Mic.

*edit* okay quick test with some cheap school Koss headphones. It still picks up the internal mic. Be sure you turn off the metronome when you play back or you'll still hear it.

I'll test with a real USB mic when I can. Best of luck.
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Can we clarify a few points?

In GarageBand, under instruments you chose Audiorecorder? You then plugged in headphones and started to record?

I think GarageBand is doing fine, but when you playback, you have to turn the metronome off, or it will continue playing during playback, which may make it seem, as if the metronome was actually recorded while the headphones where plugged in, but it is not.

For me the above works just fine. Metronome plays through headphones and audio is recorded via inbuilt mic.

Let me know, how you get on.
Aha, problem solved! Thanks for all the great replies. Dorje, I think you hit the nail on the head.

It seems I was using one of those Sony headsets that has apple remote buttons (+,-, middle) and I guess I did not realize it has a tiny little mic on it. So, garageband switches to record through that little mic on the headsets when I plug that in. Of course quality of audio would be less-then and quieter

When I used some headsets that don't have a remote/mic on them - input still came in thru iPad mic and I was able to hear metronome beat as expected.

Thanks again everyone.
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Okay I'm back with a few test setups:

1. No mic, no headphones : you can hear the metronome in the recodirng

2. 2 contact sterohead phones, no mic: make sure you go to the settings upper right and turn off metronome for clean playback

3. Stereo heaphones, USB mic: same as 2

4. Used Apple mic headphones, USB mic: apple mic took the place of the USB

5. Unplugged USB then replugged in: took place of Apple headphone mic.

Leason learned, last mic plugged I gets priorty. Use headphones without built in mic if you go USB.

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