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Well, Gardening is going to be even slower. I just broke two bones in my wrist. Guess I'll be reading in the weeds this summer.

Well, Gardening is going to be even slower. I just broke two bones in my wrist. Guess I'll be reading in the weeds this summer.

Oh hell! Sorry to hear that Bobbi. Gardening is no fun with that sort of pain. But just think of the revenge you'll have upon those weeds once that wrist heals.:)

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Well, Gardening is going to be even slower. I just broke two bones in my wrist. Guess I'll be reading in the weeds this summer.

Much much sorry about your accident.
Ever since I read your post, I've been thinking about a recommendation which allows your pleasure in gardening with minimum effort and without risk. So far, my thoughts are :
Gardening is one of the greatest joys of all. It brings relaxation since our mind is worry free. It brings satisfaction seeing the fruits of our efforts. It helps to pass the times, as we can be at it for hours without knowing it.
But . . .
Everything has a price. Bugs, Japanese Beetles, Ants, Ticks, Weeds, Soil Breaking, Mulch, Fertilizer, Heat, Watering, Weather Protection, etc . . . are what we have to deal with, no matter how little or how much. At the moment, I can handle those by spending an hour or more every day. But in a few years to come, I am not sure. The mind may continue and want to, but the body would act otherwise. When we are no longer young or younger, we have to give up a lot of things to stay safe. Unfortunately, this hobby may be one of those.
So, it is best to stay safe and remember, we won't heal as fast as we used to.
Best to you and to those who are over the hill like you and me.:(

Some images for a little cheer up ;)
The Orinpet lilies are blooming. Life is good. If I can't garden I can at least look. Bobbi
I spelled it wrong sci-fi. It is spelled Orienpet and they are cross between Oriental lilies, trumpet Lilys and maybe something else. They are very tall. This is the first year they have really come into their own and I wish I had hundreds of them.
That will soon be lovely. I love the variegated Jacobs ladder. The flowers are so pretty in the spring and then you still have that nice foliage.

Lovely photos everyone! I haven't had much time for my garden this Autumn/Winter. Never mind, it will live. Are you better now Bobbi?

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