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Genealogy Apps


iPF Noob
Hi all,

Iiii know your all probably saying she has a lot of questions!!! And as a NOOB I really, really do! With that said, I thank you all for your patience and replies!

My next question is, are any of you genealogy enthusiast? If so, are there any genealogy apps for the Ipad2 that have the database stored on the device?

If not, any suggestions?

Thanks as always for any assistance!

Such A NOOB fan
I use Gedview and Families. Both store databases on the device. The Families app syncs with the PC program, Legacy. Any changes you make to the family file on the iPad are transferred to the PC whenever you sync with Legacy, and likewise if you make changes on the PC. It even transfers pictures attached to your family database. I've been very pleased with both apps. I also use the Ancestry app to access my trees on ancestry.com, but those databases are stored on remote servers so internet access is required to view them.
Okkkk, what did I do wrong NOW? Is this not the help section? I am asking for help! And I have forewarned you that I am a NOOB!!! But I am learning I hope... Kinda, maybe? Anyway, you guys still rock!!!


Such a NOOB fan
Hi I have downloaded 'gedview', but I can not find away to get my family tree into it.Any help please?.
Do I have to 'Sync' my iPad2 some how?.
Hi I have downloaded 'gedview', but I can not find away to get my family tree into it.Any help please?.
Do I have to 'Sync' my iPad2 some how?.

Hi Dellboy,

I am going to delete the duplicate post that you made in the Introduction section of the Forum. Try to avoid double posting, since this makes it difficult for members to follow and/or help you.

any apps to look up people in cemetery's? I know my aunt is big in the genealogy stuff but doesn't have an iPad. She is always at the cemetery's looking around and looking up people, finding more information on the family, calling people and getting photo's and stuff.

Would be cool to go to a cemetery, type in someones name and the location of the cemetery and pull up any info on them.
Hi Dellboy,

I am going to delete the duplicate post that you made in the Introduction section of the Forum. Try to avoid double posting, since this makes it difficult for members to follow and/or help you.


Ooooops sorry, thanks for your help.
Hi I have downloaded 'gedview', but I can not find away to get my family tree into it.Any help please?.
Do I have to 'Sync' my iPad2 some how?.
I have synced my iPad to my pc but all it did, was sync my music and pics, which I did not want.I am still trying to get my family file into ' gedview ' but I am stuck, anybody know how please?.Thanks:thumbsdown:
Hi skimonkey I am in the UK and it is 11pm and time for my medication (I am disabled) so I wil say goodnight and thankyou for all your help.I will log in again in the morning. Night all
I use "ancestry" for Genealogy

Once you create an account you can upload your tree on their website and see and edit it on you ipad / iphone
I have not thought about Ancestry but it sounds as though it is worth thinking about. My iPad is my first Apple product so I am finding my around how it works.
I have noticed that when I have the iPad plugged into the PC, it does not not charge, is this normal do you know?.
Many thanks for the info.

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