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Genealogy Apps

It seems that this is a very very quiet thread.I guess I will have to just wait and see if someone can help me.:thumbsdown:
Dell boy, what type of file is it that you are trying to upload to your ancestory app? Have you performed a search. I recall seeing a similar thread this morning on the subject and thought this was the post.

Addendum: have you tried to email the information to yourself than download it to your iPad that way? I just looked at the app you mentioned and that is one of the option as will as a Dropbox app.
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Hi skimonkey My file is a 'gedcom file'. No I have not tried the email route, I willtry that and the ' dropbox app' and let you know how I get on.Thanks for help.Night all
I use the Ancestry.com app, and love it because it syncs with all the work I've done online at the site. This means I can do a whole lotta work on my pc and can view on the iPad when I want... Ancestry.com is worth getting a subscription. It has millions or original document, which I'm loving viewing. Not sure about how good the US records are, but I can vouch for Uk, Aus and NZ record quantity/quality. The website is great, and the app is fantastic.
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HI ChristianaR Thanks for your info.I will be trying Ancestry soon, bit as I have paid for 'gedview ' and op are using it I was hoping that one one them would be in the forum and be able to tell me how they did it.Thanks again.
Ok, here's my 2 cent's worth, I also use the Ancestry app on my iPad, I can use the PC and enter my information on there via the Internet and access it anywhere thanks to Ancestrys storage system. It also links your tree to other peoples trees and lets you know if it finds a connection, it doesn't release your information to anyone without your prior consent so no worries there.
It's so easy to use and the display is fantastic, all information about a person can be accessed from that persons name when clicked.
You can try it for free at Genealogy, Family Trees & Family History Records at Ancestry.com or Genealogy, Family Trees and Family History

Hope this helps
Thanks, Rambler for helping Dellboy.

@ Dellboy--I hope that this helped you. Let us know! :)

I have put 'dropbox' on my PC and my iPad2 and I seem to have got it working at last on the iPad2.It is not the the same format as the PC but I will have a play around with it and see how I get on.
Many thanks for for every bodys help
dellboy :thumbs:
It is just a shame that it is such around about and not straitforward way to get to transfer from one device to another. :thumbsdown:
If I had realised that it was this dificult and protracted I may not gone for the iPad2 in the first place.
Why is there an 'app' (you have to PAY for) that you have to do such messing about to get it to work?.
Thanks again for all your help
A dissilusioned iPad2 user.
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No I think I am going to send the iPad2 back. It is costing me to much time and effort just to get a simple paid for 'app' to work. Some people may love the iPad2 but I am not one of them. :(
Such a shame that you are measuring the capabilities of the iPad to one app that has frustrated you, dellboy. Had you tried the free one that Rambler recommended, just out of curiosity?
Yes I have the dropbox on both my iPad and my PC, it seemed that was the only way to get my family history file to work on the iPad. Shame that you have to use another 3rd party app and put on both the iPad and your PC before you get any where.Not I what I expected from APPLE. :thumbsdown:
But you didn't answer my question. Had you tried the other recommended apps which were free as stated from previous posters?

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