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get itunes to sync on itunes load but not open itunes everytime on ipad connect?


iPF Noob
is there anyway to get itunes to sync on itunes load.. but not open itunes everytime the iphone is plugged in?

what i have is a program that opens itunes once a file is converted to an mp4 and added to itunes. so i want it to sync on itunes open but i dont want it to load itunes automatically and sync once the ipad/iphone is plugged in

(i have an htpc, it kind of annoying when itunes pops up.. i have the itunes loading on a scheduled task at 3AM when im not loading the machine.
The only thing I can think of is to connect the ipad to itunes,then select the ipad and scroll down on the device page and uncheck the "open itunes when device connected" box
yes.. but itunes will already be opened (because of a script i have).

the question is.. is there anyway to get the ipad to sync when itunes starts up... but not when i plug it in?
gman3042 said:
yes.. but itunes will already be opened (because of a script i have).

the question is.. is there anyway to get the ipad to sync when itunes starts up... but not when i plug it in?

I'm not sure I follow. Let me see if I understand...

1. iTunes is opened by your script. Q. Do you plan on having your device already plugged in at this point (without iTunes having opened previously)? Are you wanting it to sync at the point the script opens iTunes if that is the case?

If that is the case, if you uncheck the "open iTunes on connecting device" in the iPhone/iPad device settings (in iTunes), then the initial connection of your device to your PC will not open iTunes. Then when the script opens iTunes, I would expect it to then in due course detect the device and perform the usual sync on plug-in/start up.

If I am off the mark with my initial assumption, please let me know.

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