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Getting clips out of iMovie


iPF Noob

I hope it is right forum to ask, because my problem seems need some hacks.

Problem: I made iMovie project and recorded there some videoclips. Is there some way to get those clips out (to use them with some other editor)?

I can't see them separately anywhere, they just seem to exist as a part of project. One indirect way would be to export them as one encoded video file, but I'd like to avoid any unneccessary encoding steps.

Is there some solution to offer?


Well, you pretty much have to export it, but you can export it to the Photos app which (other than choosing a size) should minimize any encoding loss.


To export the clips seperately, you can view them in the Videos tab and create a movie for each one. Hold in mind the Videos tab also shows videos that are in the Photos app. Don't let it confuse you when duplicates seem to appear.

To avoid this problem I recomend using the Camera app to shoot your video. This will make your clips avialable not just in the iMovie app, but pretty much all thrid party video editing, management, and conversion apps.
Well, you pretty much have to export it, but you can export it to the Photos app which (other than choosing a size) should minimize any encoding loss.

I followed this path, thank you! There were still some obstacles on the way (like how to free your space on device or how to get your files out, if you are in non-Apple environment), but this was the solution I was looking for.

To export the clips seperately, you can view them in the Videos tab and create a movie for each one. Hold in mind the Videos tab also shows videos that are in the Photos app. Don't let it confuse you when duplicates seem to appear.

There was option to save them rihgt to the Dropbox too, but it barfed all the time ;(

To avoid this problem I recomend using the Camera app to shoot your video. This will make your clips avialable not just in the iMovie app, but pretty much all thrid party video editing, management, and conversion apps.

Yes, this is certainly better way to have multiple options open. I teached it to the moviemaker (my 8 years old son) too. Thank you, again!


Glad to help.

Exporting large iMove projects to cloud services, even YouTube, has a tendancy to fail in my experience. It probably has something to do with timeouts, but I'm not sure. I've had better experience exporting to Photos, then uploading. But you do have to clean up after yourself. Delete the Photos version if you want to keep the editable project, or the iMovie version if you are sure you're done with that project (saves more space).

When building movies from the clips in Photos (taken with the camera app), keep in mind that if you delete those clips in Photos they will become unavailable in iMovie, even if you've added them to a project. Don't delete those clips until you are absolutely sure you are done creating the project, and will never ever revisit it for tweaking.
I am glad that our resident guru, twerppoet, was able to help you. Yay!

I'm just posting to tell you I've moved this thread to the General iPad forum. You had it over in the jailbreak area, which is a whole 'nother thing.

Oh, and welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your visit(s).


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