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Getting "kicked out" from an App to Homescreen

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Ive had my iPad 3 since May, and I started getting kicked out of Safari about a month ago. Noticing it with other apps since. I joined the forum for ideas so thanks to the pioneers who have been troubleshooting this issue for the past several months. I'll try some of the things I read here before heading back to The Apple store.
I have the same problem and it looks as if it is a common problem. The help sites are full of this. Whatever I'm on goes back to the home screen constantly. This happens with Safari and games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. It doesn't matter whether I have one app running or 10. Someone mentioned that Google Drive was the Culprit. I don't have Google Drive. I wish someone at Apple would address this. Everyone else is grasping at straws. It's obviously an Apple problem and many people are experiencing it. It is not an anomaly. It's an Apple problem that can only be fixed by Apple. Where are they?
I have the same problem and it looks as if it is a common problem. The help sites are full of this. Whatever I'm on goes back to the home screen constantly. This happens with Safari and games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. It doesn't matter whether I have one app running or 10. Someone mentioned that Google Drive was the Culprit. I don't have Google Drive. I wish someone at Apple would address this. Everyone else is grasping at straws. It's obviously an Apple problem and many people are experiencing it. It is not an anomaly. It's an Apple problem that can only be fixed by Apple. Where are they?

Louise--this thread is quite old and the issues back then may not the same as it is currently.

Please refer back to the post you made back in October to further speak of your problem. You have already received help there, though you haven't gone back to respond.

This thread will now be closed.

Thanks for your understanding.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
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