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Gift for Wife - iPad or Macbook?

lutherian said:
If you love your wife - you'll buy her an Android... or else she's be forced to buy an app for every godforsaken thing ... connect to a windows share to watch a movie you got? forget about it ... ka-ching, buy an app. Once she learns Andoird, she won't look back - don't under-estimate your wife's technical ability, she just "likes" Apple because all the adverts tells her she should.

If you love yourself - you'd use Linux.

If apple could charge you for the air they breathe - they would, they have no moral core. Windows, less so, they want you to pay fair and square, and Linux God bless it - gives it to you for free if you are willing to learn.

May I suggest that you crawl back to your Linux forum and leave us Apple fools alone. Just my opinion.
Being a new apple convert from over 20 years with Windows, I wouldn't wish Windows anything on my worst enemy!

Actually, I own an android phone and I bought her an Android Tablet (Galaxy 10.1) that she doesnt care for. If i love my wife, i'll get her what she wants...

good day.
phorts said:
Thanks all for your very helpful insight. I think you talked me off the ledge of trying to go iPad only and use it as the sole device. I think my desires of having a machine that can edit photos, manage iTunes, create docs and store tons of stuff makes it pretty much a no brainer to go with a Macbook or iMac.

So, what i'm going to do is try to find a used Macbook AND iPad. going new might set me back $2000. Going used i could probably get a model version older on both and save 50%.

Everyone wins :)

Thanks for your help everyone!

You could look at the new surface tablet. I don't have one, but if you YouTube it i think it might be everything you want.
phorts said:
Actually, I own an android phone and I bought her an Android Tablet (Galaxy 10.1) that she doesnt care for. If i love my wife, i'll get her what she wants...

good day.

That wasn't entirely necessary.

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