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[GIVEAWAY 2] Brand New AirBender 2.0 Wireless Keyboard Case for the iPad Air Contest!

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Cannot believe that no one has put this. "Rocky". Not just the 1st one but all of them.

Watched the 1st one in the battle of VHS vs BetaMax. "Yo Adrian, I did it!"


Update: It looks like there is either some confusion about this second/new contest, or folks found the entry too complicated. Because of that we are changing up the contest a bit to draw more entries. Instead of picking your favorite "comic book/graphic novel" movie, you just need to post your favorite movie period. It can be anything appropriate (no porn please), even if it has nothing to do with comic books or anime. Please, let everyone in the forums know about this new contest. This is your second chance to win the AirBender 2.0 Wireless Keyboard Case for the iPad Air. This means your chances of winning have already gone up, but only if you enter. Wayne Gretsky once said, "100% of the shots you don't take, don't go in."

Guess what dear members!!! We have another AirBender 2.0 Wireless Keyboard Case for the iPad Air to giveaway!

That's right! We are giving you guys a second chance to win one of these awesome keyboard cases for your iPad Air! We are going to do a similar contest, but this time we are changing things up in the theme just a bit. Instead of posting your favorite Anime, we want you to post your favorite movie!

Feel free to amaze us with your odd and creative choice if you have one. Here are the contest rules again:

1. Post in this thread and let us know your favorite movie.
2. Duplicate entries will not be tolerated and will be disqualified. This includes creating a new login/registration for the site - we have ways of determining if you have done this, so no cheating! You have been warned!
3. The contest will be held for approximately two weeks - from Today, Friday, March 7th until Friday the 21st of March. The Winner will be chosen at random from the eligible entries and will be announced afternoon (CTD) that day.
4. You must have a valid mailing address so we can send out your prize. We will NOT share this info with anyone (and we will NOT keep it on file). Your privacy is important to us.
5. This case is only designed to fit the iPad Air. Older versions of the iPad probably won't be compatible, so keep that in mind.
6. The previous winner of the contest is not eligible to win this time.

Just as before, we encourage you to discuss your choice in the thread with each other, although we will only choose winners from the criteria stated above, so extra posts won't make a difference. Thanks again for joining the contest and for sharing your thoughts and time on the forum. It's because of you that iPadForums.net is the amazing place that it is! Good luck everyone!

my favorite Movie: Hunt for Red October

Dave (theoleguy)
The iPad Air has a much faster processor (A7) ... better graphics ... another processor for background stuff (M7) ... and it is built around 64 bit processing (not 32 bit) ... this baby is compatible with Corporate America databasing. This new iPad is considerable faster than you iPad2 ... I know because I have one also. Sure it works ... but the air is much lighter, thinner, much easier to hold to read ... the list goes on and on. Hope this helps a bit.
Hikaru No Go, it's a movie and an anime. An eighty part series (roughly) it follows the career of an insei, a Japanese child becoming a professional go player. All the go diagrams are realistic, the go consultants on the technical side of creating the movie are strong professionals, the actual content iinvolves the ghost of a player dead 1000 years who gets to play players of today and is the strongest player ever. Great for children interested in learning the game.
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