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Gmail problems on iPad. Help Please!


iPF Noob
Have replacement for defective device. Restored from iTunes. Tried to send email. Device says I do not have a valid password, go to settings, mail & enter password.

I tried repeatedly to do just that. I keep getting error .... User name or password for imap.gmail.com is incorrect.

I can send and receive email from this account on my desktop. I have triple-checked multiple times that the password and user name is correct.

Can anyone be of help here as to how to correct this problem? Would be sincerely appreciated. I have spend a number of hours that I did not have to give on this problem.

Thanks for any help
Are you trying to work with a restore of the iPad, or did you actually delete and attempt to reintegrate the Gmail account in the device's email client? Go in and delete it entirely, and reintegrate it with the proper settings from scratch.

As NumbLock said, be sure to use "smtp.gmail.com" for the Outgoing Mail Server. Also, tap Advanced and ensure that Use SSL is set to On and the Server Port is 993.
Am quite PC literate, but lost in this terrain. Where do I find the settings for smtp.gmail.com for outgoing and you@gmail.com for incoming .... as well as the Advanced and SSL and Server Port setting .

Do these setting-locations some how become obvious after I have selected and set up gmail. Some how, they are not obvious under Settings/mail, contacts, calendars ... or Settings/general

Thanks for your help and patience
Am quite PC literate, but lost in this terrain. Where do I find the settings for smtp.gmail.com for outgoing and you@gmail.com for incoming .... as well as the Advanced and SSL and Server Port setting .

Do these setting-locations some how become obvious after I have selected and set up gmail. Some how, they are not obvious under Settings/mail, contacts, calendars ... or Settings/general

Thanks for your help and patience
Are you able to access your gmail from your PC?
I had to completely reinstall, wiping out what I had on the device and then reinstall a Gmail account. Working now.
Jer (male half of the jerliz genders)

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