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If we can flash over a custom bootrom surly Apple could push out an OTA revision of the official bootrom?

I don't believe the bootrom exists in flashable memory. You can create custom or hacked firmware to flash on the device but that is much different than the bootrom. Updating the bootrom requires updating the hardware.

(ROM does stand for Read Only Memory after all ...)
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Yep but that also mean, if your device got trouble you take the risk to refused the warranty by Apple .. as this can’t be reverse

maybe not so many people notice that but is a existing risk

That's something I've been thinking about, and I, along with most people I assume are worried about this.

Yeah I would have a tough time eating $600 if something went wrong!:mad:
Not coming out this weekend.

via twitter:

p0sixninja Joshua Hill
It's /not/ coming out tomorrow, I'm just getting sick of hearing dev teams slogan (as much as everyone else is sick of hearing ours =P)

p0sixninja Joshua Hill
And no that doesn't mean it's coming today either. Patience Please!!
Wish that Dev-Team and not Chronic Dev Team was the lead in this jailbreak. Bet we would have had the release weeks ago. Just frustrated...know they are doing their best in a task I wouldn't have the first clue about.
Ok they wont release it this weekend thats a bummer

Pod2g said we could count it on days so possible release dates

Monday 3/10

Tuesday 4/10

Wednesday 5/10

Thursday 6/10

I put my money on wednseday.

I'm thinking it will be released by the weekend.
With Monday a holiday in the US and many people off from work and school,
There will be even more of a clamor to push the release.

If not, hopefully the coders will use Monday to finally finish.
My money is also on this weekend... If it comes out friday, i may have to stay in and refrain from a night of drinking :)
Guys for the past month you've been saying it will come out sometime this week. Maybe it will maybe it won't but I wouldn't get my hopes up either way.
Yeah, this thread is redundant. Everytime i look, they saying this week or this weekend. They said thwt last time i checked a couple weeks back..lmfao. Dont get ur hopes up for nuthin, with these jailbrakes, Believe it when u see it. Not everytime someone comes in. Its kinda funny reading. Im sure its coming, but in due time. Not discrediting the OP, im just saying....lol

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