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Goodreader - Import photos from ftp/sftp directly to iPad photo library?


iPF Noob

sorry if the following question has already been discussed in this forum. I did try the search function and did not find an answer (I also used google a lot and wrote an email to the Goodreader people directly, without reply).

I have a very simple (maybe stupid) question: Is it possible to use Goodreader to import an entire photo folder from a ftp/sftp server to the (general) iPad photo library.
I.e. to do the same as if one drops a subfolder in the photo folder that is synched via iTunes. So is this possible with a few taps and does this folder directly appear as a new album in the photo library? If this is possible: would these photos be stored twice in the iPad, once in the Goodreader app and once in the photo library?

Thanks for your help!
I do not believe this is possible with GoodReader. You should be able to download entire folders of photos via ftp/sftp, but I don't' see any way to copy those photos to the Photos app except one by one; and you have to do it by opening and viewing each one.

I could be wrong. There are a lot of features in GoodReader. It would be easy to overlook a method, but I'm reasonably sure I have not.
I do not believe this is possible with GoodReader. You should be able to download entire folders of photos via ftp/sftp, but I don't' see any way to copy those photos to the Photos app except one by one; and you have to do it by opening and viewing each one.

I could be wrong. There are a lot of features in GoodReader. It would be easy to overlook a method, but I'm reasonably sure I have not.

Thanks for the quick reply! Do you know another program that could do this? Or is iTunes my only choice? (for a non-jailbroken iPad)
I would have to do some experimenting before I'd be willing to make specific suggestions on what will work, but there are programs for the computer out there that will let you access files directly on the iPad.

I'm not sure how adding photos directly will affect things (because I don't know how it would handle thumbnails and other data). Two of the most popular are iFile and iPhone Explorer. Before I used them to directly add photos (safe enough to copy them to the computer) I'd do some Googling to see what other peoples experience was.

BTW, you can get to the Camera Roll on a Windows computer easily. The iPad mounds as a USB drive. The camera roll photos are in the DCIM folder. Again, I don't know if it is safe to simply add photos by this method.

Maybe someone with more experience doing this will chime in.
I would have to do some experimenting before I'd be willing to make specific suggestions on what will work, but there are programs for the computer out there that will let you access files directly on the iPad.

I'm not sure how adding photos directly will affect things (because I don't know how it would handle thumbnails and other data). Two of the most popular are iFile and iPhone Explorer. Before I used them to directly add photos (safe enough to copy them to the computer) I'd do some Googling to see what other peoples experience was.

BTW, you can get to the Camera Roll on a Windows computer easily. The iPad mounds as a USB drive. The camera roll photos are in the DCIM folder. Again, I don't know if it is safe to simply add photos by this method.

Maybe someone with more experience doing this will chime in.

Ok thanks for these tips! I will google a bit about this topic. My main goal is to find a way to copy pictures to the iPad without any external computer (and without using the SD card reader), so as mentioned above potentially via ftp, or wifi (via the goflex satellite for instance, potentially modified)
Hi there,
Goodreader has a little arrow/camera icon below every picture while viewing. If you click/touch that, it copies the picture instantly to your internal iPad photo library. Hope this helps. Cheers Equi

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