OK, first off, I have no affiliation with the company I am about to talk about.
Just thought I would pass this good experience on.
I am in the customer service industry, and when I run across good customer service and good products I pass it on to my friends.
Last sunday my mother emailed me a link and said, would this be a good case for her iPhone. I went to the website and saw some good prices and what appeared to be good products. Mom just got an iPhone a few weeks ago and was wanting a car charger, new case, etc, etc.
When I visited the site, I was pleased to see they also had a few iPad accessories. At good prices. The day before I had purchased a iPad case at Best Buy. It was a Belkin that put me out $50...for a rubber anti-slip case. When I saw the prices on a few of these iPad accessories (leather portfolio case with built in stand and wrap around rubber) I placed an order...and returned the $50 Belkin case at Best Buy.
Well, I get home from work tonight and find a package in my mailbox. Sent Priority. It had the iPad leather case and iPad Rubber anti-slip case.
I was very pleased to see the products are good quality and fit the iPad well.
Anyways, the company is iGearUSA...www.iGearUSA.com.
Products were good and shipping was fast. Honestly, they exceeded my expectations. So for about $45 bucks, I got two great items for less than that over priced Belkin holder.
Just thought I would share.
Just thought I would pass this good experience on.
I am in the customer service industry, and when I run across good customer service and good products I pass it on to my friends.
Last sunday my mother emailed me a link and said, would this be a good case for her iPhone. I went to the website and saw some good prices and what appeared to be good products. Mom just got an iPhone a few weeks ago and was wanting a car charger, new case, etc, etc.
When I visited the site, I was pleased to see they also had a few iPad accessories. At good prices. The day before I had purchased a iPad case at Best Buy. It was a Belkin that put me out $50...for a rubber anti-slip case. When I saw the prices on a few of these iPad accessories (leather portfolio case with built in stand and wrap around rubber) I placed an order...and returned the $50 Belkin case at Best Buy.
Well, I get home from work tonight and find a package in my mailbox. Sent Priority. It had the iPad leather case and iPad Rubber anti-slip case.
I was very pleased to see the products are good quality and fit the iPad well.
Anyways, the company is iGearUSA...www.iGearUSA.com.
Products were good and shipping was fast. Honestly, they exceeded my expectations. So for about $45 bucks, I got two great items for less than that over priced Belkin holder.
Just thought I would share.