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Guide: Creating Safari Bookmarklets

I just discovered the "Page Zipper" bookmarklet (they were talking about it over in the Tips and Tricks thread). What this bookmarklet does is [once activated] make the Safari browser browser automatically activate the "Next Page" button. So, instead of constantly hitting a button to advance the page, you activate this script and the browser/script does it for you. How convenient is that? :)

Of course, you have to rerun the script/bookmarklet every time you open a new web page, but still. It even works on Chrome and Firefox (so you can betcha I'm going to load it on my Firefox-running desktop!). :)

Anyway. I've added this bookmarklet to the list in the first post of this thread. I don't know who brought it up first (have you SEEN the size of that Tips Thread?!) , but my thanks to all who've mentioned it.

Amazing thread :)
Really very, very helpful. :) Thank you for putting it together Marilyn.

One - hopefully helpful - observation. Is it just me, or are the three illustrative screen shots in reverse order for everyone? I have them running 3then 2 then 1 from the top of the post...
Ooops! I never noticed that! :D

And no, it wasn't you - they were out of order. Fixed now.

I appreciate you pointing it out. Thanks.

The bookmark of pdf.

I don't know what could be wrong - I've just used the bookmarklet to create a PDF.

All I can suggest is that you try again, following the steps in the first post (complete with in-order pictures :). As you got a 404 error, make sure there is nothing in the URL block before you past in the JavaScript code. A stray character will definitely mess it up...

Sorry, but that's all I can recommend as I can't duplicate the problem.

I guess its only me ;((

This javascript, of which I dont understand a bit of, I cannot get this copy n pasted into the bookmark edit window...

It seems I will have to do this in an old fashion way, find me a Desktop mac, use a mous, or worst case, use my feather pen, write the code on a scroll, then type it in, letter by letter into edit window.

No offense folks, oldies like me, still regards any computer/ net thinge as something way into future, but we have been using rollerball pens awhile, instead of them in goose feathers....

The real problem will be, how do I get this my desktop mac into my Ipad? You cant send them mail can you?
When I posted the links, I put them into quote boxes so they'd stand out. So, you might be grabbing part of that coding instead of just the JavaScript. So, here's the script all by itself:


Now, it should be more easily "grab able" with the iPad's copy tool. So, try again with this?

Ah. Now I see.

There is a smiley inside the code. What shoud it be in plain text?

If you are talking about in the front, right after the word "javascript" - then the characters are a semi-colon ( : ) and then a smallcase "p."

And yes, software makes that arrangement into a smiley face. Which is kind of annoying, especially when I specifically make the post not have smileys for that very reason. Are you seeing smileys in the post above?

Regardless, hope this helps.

If you are talking about in the front, right after the word "javascript" - then the characters are a semi-colon ( : ) and then a smallcase "p."

And yes, software makes that arrangement into a smiley face. Which is kind of annoying, especially when I specifically make the post not have smileys for that very reason. Are you seeing smileys in the post above?

Regardless, hope this helps.


javascript:pdf_url=location.href;location.href='ht tp://pdfmyurl.com?url='+escape(pdf_url)

Hmm, not working in Safari on a macbook pro.

Shold there reallly be a space between the two "ht tp" in the code??

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