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Guide - Videos/DVD to iPad


iPF Noob
I've seen a lot of questions and some answers on how to best get videos and DVDs onto iPad.

While this isn't a definitive answer, I find these 2 pieces of software and the processed describe below help me to get any video/DVD I want onto the iPad with a minimum of fuss and trouble.

I hope this guide helps.

For putting movies, TV shows, any kind of video on my iPad, here's what I do.

I use 2 different programs depending on what type of video I'm dealing with.

If it's a video on a DVD, I use Daniusoft's DVD to iPad Converter.

If it's a video from another source, then I use Format Factory.

I'm sure each one of these programs can convert any type of video as the other one can, but I found out about these programs at separate times at different stages of what I was trying to do. The procedures for each kind of video with each program work, so I didn't want to change my methods.

Below are the steps I follow for each piece of software:


  1. Open the program.
  2. Under the "Video" tab, select "All to Mobile Device"
  3. Another window opens up. In that window, select "HD AVC(H264)"
  4. Select any of the MP4 HD presets and make the modifications below
  5. Make sure your output settings are setup like this:

  • Type = MP4
  • Use System Decoder = Off
  • Video Encode = AVC(H264)
  • Video Size = Default
  • Bitrate = 2400
  • FPS = 24
  • Aspect Ratio = Automatic
  • Encode 2 Pass = No
  • Audio Encode = AAC
  • Sample Rate = 44100
  • Bitrate = 128
  • Audio Channel = 2
  • Disable Audio = No
  • Volume Control = 0dB - Although I guess you could change it if your audio is too low.
  • Audio Stream Index = Default
  • I don't mess with any of the other expandable options below this point.
6. Save the Video Setting as iPad and press "OK" This should create a new option under the "Video" section named "All to Custom. This is what you'll select when doing future conversions to load the ideal iPad output settings.
7. In the "All to Custom" window, select "Add File"
8. Navigate to where your video is saved and select it.
9. At the bottom of the "All to Custom" window, you can set the
destination of the new video file.
10. Then, the "OK" button becomes available, click it.
11. In the original program window, you'll see your video file appear.
12. Click on "Start" and the conversion process will begin.
13. When it's finished, add the converted file to iTunes and then you can
sync it onto your iPad and watch it.


  1. Put the DVD you wish to convert into your PC's drive.
  2. Open the Daniusoft DVD to iPad Converter.
  3. Click on the "Load DVD" button in the upper left.
  4. Navigate to where your DVD is. CLick "ok"
  5. A new window comes up asking you to "Select DVD loading mode"
  6. Make sure "Common mode" is selected. Click "ok"
  7. The program will then load the DVD's file structure.
  8. The main screen will show the different titles that are available on the DVD.
  9. You can select and preview each one in the preview window.
  10. Select the title you want to convert. For movies, it's usually going to be the title with the longest length or running time.
  11. At the bottom, make sure the "iPad" output profile is selected.
  12. You can also select where the converted file will be saved.
  13. When you're ready, click on the large "Start" button in the bottom right-hand corner.
  14. The program will then begin the conversion process.
  15. When it's finished, add the converted file to iTunes and then it's available to be synced onto your iPad for your viewing pleasure.
  16. This program has taken every DVD I've thrown at it without need to rip it to the harddrive and break any encryption. Good program.

There are other programs and methods out there for doing the same thing and others swear by them. This works for me. I hope it helps some people.

If you have constructive feedback for me on these processes, I'd love to hear/read them.
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Daniusoft DVD to iPad Converter, normally $29.95 is on sale right now for $19.95.


I happened to get my copy for free last year when they were having a promotion for it. Only downside to thatis it's not eligible for support or upgrade. Still, it's been chugging on for almost a year with no problems.
It may appear after you modify the settings of one of the presets.

Take the "All to Mobile Device" and modify the settings to those I explained above.

Once you save those settings, the "All to Custom" should appear in the list under "Video".

I'm still downloading a fresh install of it so I can check it myself.

Sorry about that. I've been using it for so long, I forgot what a fresh install will look like.

EDIT: I modified the instructions above to reflect the way to get the "All to Custom" setting to appear.
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The reason for making a custom format setting is because when I originally tried the iPad setting under "All to Mobile Device" > "Apple iPhone & iPod & iPad" my videos didn't play on my iPad until I went in and tweaked the bitrate and resolution.

I just selected the MP4 H264 presets and modified them because I knew the iPad would play them.

If anyone else has any other options or modifications to this guide, I'd welcome them.
Very good Info thanks

Do you know how to stream video from ipad to airplay? I can hear the video on the TV but there is no picture.
Very good Info thanks

Do you know how to stream video from ipad to airplay? I can hear the video on the TV but there is no picture.

No I don't as I don't have an Apple TV.

There are others on here and a few threads, I think, about the Apple TV.
Anyone had the experience with FormfatFactory of being stuck in "extra commentary" format? Trying to rip episodes of a show from DVD, about 50% of them (the first and sometimes the third on each DVD??) come with the production crew commentary over the top and I can't seem to turn it off.

Does this preserve the chapters ? I am trying to convert music DVD and end up with 15 different MP4 movies which isn't what I want. Now tried 3 different pieces of software and only way to get one file was to merge but that way I cannot select specific tracks.

Does this preserve the chapters ? I am trying to convert music DVD and end up with 15 different MP4 movies which isn't what I want. Now tried 3 different pieces of software and only way to get one file was to merge but that way I cannot select specific tracks.

I haven't noticed that either method preserves the chapters. There may be some settings that I haven't explored that can do this.

The only videos I've converted are individual TV shows and some movies and in those cases, chapters didn't matter to me.

I'll have to take a look sometime and see what I can find.


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