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Wondershare Launches DVD/Video to iPad Converter

I took a m2ts from a Blu-ray, clipped it, and played it on the iPad. It also worked on 720p video from my camera. These are actually quite nice programs for the $27.95 DVD/Video file bundle.
I'm curious, for the iPad should I rip the Avatar bluray or the regular dvd that came with it? Which would look better or does it make a difference on the small screen? I only ask because all things being equal the dvd file is probably going to be smaller.
The blu-ray would actually look better as you can rip it up to 720p resolution, but as you say, for space purposes you might be better off just using the lesser resolution. The normal dvd version is only going to be 480p.
i used handbrake for avatar using the apple tv preset...good quality but large file...is that a overkill preset?...what preset are you all using with handbrake?

I'm trying the "Free Trial" version of Wondershare on a couple of MS Vista PCs and they seem to take forever to convert, literally longer than the movie itself. Has this been others experience? A setting perhaps?
I'm trying the "Free Trial" version of Wondershare on a couple of MS Vista PCs and they seem to take forever to convert, literally longer than the movie itself. Has this been others experience? A setting perhaps?
What settings are you using, and what is your source (dvd, video file, etc)? I think the biggest factor in processing time is video bitrate.

I've found the speed of Wondershare to be the fastest of the programs I've tried, and I have tried a lot. If you have multiple jobs in your queue it will process two at a time (I'm using a dual core laptop, may be even more concurrent processing if you have quad core pc). I have been using it to rip anime episodes from dvd box sets. Each episode is about 22 mins long, and with the settings I'm using it takes less than 20 mins to process two episodes. I will time it next time so that I can post a proper timing.

I use the following settings for 4:3 dvds:
640x480 (could have gone with 720x480, but wanted the videos to be compatible with my iPod)
29.97 fps
2000 kbps
128 kbps AAC audio

And these settings for 16:9 dvds:
853x480 (it forces output to 856x480, but can't notice the difference when watching)
29.97 fps
2000 kbps
128 kbps AAC audio
Thanks for the reply. I put 'Cars' DVD in my pc and it took 4hrs to convert a 2hr movie but easily imported into iTunes and then sync'd to my iPad. I also did 'Yellow Submarine' with the same result, about twice as long as the movie to convert. Since it did work easily, except for the time it took, I'm going to go ahead and buy it since it's a 1 stop operation. I can always do the conversions overnight.

I'll check the settings and see how that affects it. Thanks again.
I'm trying the "Free Trial" version of Wondershare on a couple of MS Vista PCs and they seem to take forever to convert, literally longer than the movie itself. Has this been others experience? A setting perhaps?

This is pretty normal becuz its transcoding the file to a different format. :)
How large are the files for a typical 1.5 hour movie stored on the iPad. (Apple won't be getting mine until the middle of June:-(
Ipad movies

I have converted around 50 movies for my iPad, I use handbrake on my MacBook pro, I use the regular high profile setting in handbrake, most of the movies usuall end up around 1.5 gb. Avatar was around 2.2gb. They look great on my iPad, I have around 30 movies on my ipad
How large are the files for a typical 1.5 hour movie stored on the iPad. (Apple won't be getting mine until the middle of June:-(
Depends on the settings you use, especially video bitrate. For example, a 22min anime episode converted from a dvd using these settings:

2000kbps h264 video
128kbps AAC audio

is <= 350mb. The same video using a 4000kbps video bitrate (the highest supported by the iPad, and the default if you use the Wondershare iPad hq profile) is about 700mb. 4000kbps video bitrate is overkill though... 2000kbps (when viewed on the iPad) looks just like the original DVD. So plan your conversion settings to balance quality vs filesize.

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