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Hai Friends-Im New to Apple Family

Hai Friends
Im Ramesh and New to this Forum.
Nice to meet you all through this forum.
First of All, Im new to Apple Family and So exicted to be a part of it.. just waiting for tomorrow morning..
Eventhough I have gone through the Forum threads and googled a lot..few things are not really very clear for me..none of the threads really answers it.. directly.
I have few questions..if its answered by any of you, I will really thankful to you..
1) Im Planning to Buy Ipad Air RD for me and Ipad Mini RD for my Wife.. who is going to repent and who is going to enjoy.. me or my wife??????
2) Is it possible for me to bring my personal files from my laptop to Ipad Air and use it as I use in laptop. I mean, Word, Excel, Power Point files..?If possible please let me know how to go with it?
3) how the browssing experience will be? is it going to be same like NOKIA , Samsung,sony ericson mobile sets or better than that?
4) Will I be able to Use my facebook, LInkedIn etc as usual, or I will miss something?
5) I used to download lots of cartoon and animated movies for my daughter? is it going to be charged? and I get Movies for free.. Like masha and the bear, Pokoy, bumba , tom and jerry, mickey and donald etc.,
6) I will download lots of books both for myself ( eduction) and my KID-story books? again is it chargable?
7) Will I be able to read write and edit the word, excel and Power Point files and PDF files?
8) How about Messegers- Hangout, FAce book, Yahoo,whatsapp,Line, Fring etc., going to be user friendly or will have a really tough time?
9) Downloading the normal APPs like, banks, railways, Airways etc., is it available in Apple products?
10) and above all from Point 2 to 9 is it available in Apple stores or have to go for the jail break?
Awaiting a early reply friends
Hi, Ramesh! Welcome to iPF!

I'll try to answer a few of your questions:

1. Both devices are great, I own an iPad Air and a mini (no RD), but mostly use the Air because of the size of the keyboard and the screen. Maybe you'll both enjoy your new devices. There are many members in iPF, who prefer the iPad mini RD. :)

2. You can sync files to your iPad using online Storage like OneDrive, Dropbox, Box and many others. You'll find apps that are able to edit these files. Microsoft added it's own Office apps recently, but you also can use Pages to edit Word files, Numbers for Excel files and Keynote for ppt files - these are Apple's équivalent to the Office files. There are other apps, such as CloudOn and others that will do this as well.

3. I'm not sure about the browsing experience. I have a SGS 3, but don't use it for browsing.

4. You'll find apps for Facebook, supposedly for LinkedIn as well. If you didn't use apps before, this will be a completely new experience for you. You'll also be able to access these through a browser. The iPad's built in browser is Safari.

5. If you want to have these movies/videos on your iPad, you'll be able to sync them to your device using iTunes on a computer. In this case you won't have to pay for it again, because they already belong to you. When I read the list of things you want to import to your iDevice, I hope you chose an Air with at least 64 GB, or you'll soon be running out of storage space. :)

8. Hangout has it's own app for iPad, but Whatsapp can't be used on it. I don't know if there's a Yahoo messenger, you'll have to search for it in the App Store. Once you're used to the way Apple devices work, you won't find it difficult handling them.

9. Apps for banking, ... - this depends on your bank, railway, ... Just search for their apps in App Store.

10. Supposedly your new iPad will come with iOS 7.1.1, which is the latest software and can't be jailbroken. Apps can be found and downloaded in App Store.

Hope that helps.
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Hai Johanna
Good Morning
Thanks for your reply..
It was really helpful and Im bit clear now and will plan and explore accordingly..
Thanks again for taking your time to reply my queries...

Hi Ramesh! Aapka iPF me swagat hai! (I do know a bit of hindi. :p)

Apart from J.A.'s excellent advice, I would add on a bit.

2. As Johanna said, Microsoft released their versions of Word, Excel and Powerpoint for iOS. If you have a Microsoft 365 account, you can sync your documents with your iPad by signing in.

3. I have a SG Core for emergency purposes. :D My opinion is that the UI and speed is better on iOS than Android.

6. Assuming you will be using Apple's native iBooks app for downloading and reading the books, some of the books are chargeable and some are not, it depends...

7. You can read, write and edit docs, with those apps and sync with a MS 365 account.

For managing PDF files, you can use Adobe reader


Again, its easier if you have an Adobe ID.

Have fun and welcome once again!
Thanks you verymuch.. for your valuable info and now that i can confidently buy Ipad Air..
I am trying to use it more like a mini laptop..
Im tired of carrying heavy laptops..
Hope this will solve the issue cosiderably.
Thanks again

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