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Happy I got a 64 GB IPad!!

My reservation was for the 16g, but as I made the drive to the apple stoe last saturday I started thinking how easy it is to use up memory and decided to go to the 32g, as I was paying I stopped my OCD from taking over and asking for the 64g. I was telling myself "it's only a 100 bucks". I stood my ground and didn't cave into my self induce pressure. I loaded all my songs and still have 20g left. There aree some songs I will take off. I like the idea of the flash drive pic above.
I bought the 64 gig. I have loaded 6 videos and 3 TV shows along with 15 apps and some music. I still have plenty of room left. I am glad that I bought the 64.
Got the 16 gig ipad, I still use my 16 gig Touch and my 8ogig Classic, I don't think I'll be loading this one down with music or very many podcasts.
Awesome that there is a thread about this. I originally ordered the 32gb 3g. I panicked and 4 hours later canceled and ordered the 64gb 3g. Now a week later I am wondering if I went over board.

My thinking went in two directions. First the larger size I get the easier it would be to sell. Then I thought I don't really care about selling, I will just pass it on to my wife. :). I then thought why would I need 64gb when all of my consumption will be via streaming and I plan on using google docs, skydrive, dropbox, etc.

So here I am thinking what should I do??? The problem is that the money is not really an issue, I just hate feeling that I made a bad choice.
Awesome that there is a thread about this. I originally ordered the 32gb 3g. I panicked and 4 hours later canceled and ordered the 64gb 3g. Now a week later I am wondering if I went over board.

My thinking went in two directions. First the larger size I get the easier it would be to sell. Then I thought I don't really care about selling, I will just pass it on to my wife. :). I then thought why would I need 64gb when all of my consumption will be via streaming and I plan on using google docs, skydrive, dropbox, etc.

So here I am thinking what should I do??? The problem is that the money is not really an issue, I just hate feeling that I made a bad choice.

Do you plan on gaming? iPad games are running upwards of 200MB per app. I have a LOT of music on my iPod Touch and it filled up really fast....I got the 64GB and I have put a ton of music on it and all of my photos and I still have almost 45GB left....I really appreciate the extra space! Now I have no need to worry about what I put on it.
Awesome that there is a thread about this. I originally ordered the 32gb 3g. I panicked and 4 hours later canceled and ordered the 64gb 3g. Now a week later I am wondering if I went over board.

My thinking went in two directions. First the larger size I get the easier it would be to sell. Then I thought I don't really care about selling, I will just pass it on to my wife. :). I then thought why would I need 64gb when all of my consumption will be via streaming and I plan on using google docs, skydrive, dropbox, etc.

So here I am thinking what should I do??? The problem is that the money is not really an issue, I just hate feeling that I made a bad choice.

Everyone has their own opinion. Personally I feel when it comes to technology, buy the most you can with what you can afford. 64GB may seem like alot now, but in a year you may have a ton of app's, music, movies, books, whatever and 64 GB may not even be enough. Keep in mind, app's for the ipad are larger than for the iPhone. HD movies also take up more room. I even ordered a airstash just to be sure I can always expand my memory. Bottom line, if you can afford it, more is always better.
I got the 64 too. Figured I'd fall in love with the thing and curse myself when I ran out of memory. Loaded 2 bookshelves of free books yesterday; took up very little memory. Will load some movies if I travel, though.

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