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Hardware issue with headphone jack!


iPF Noob
Hello everyone.
So yesterday I tripped, fell over my iPad, the headphone jack broke and now it is stuck. Any ideas of how could I get it out?
I'll leave a pic of it.


  • image.webp
    17.1 KB · Views: 289
  • You could try very small needle nose pliers, or a toothpick with a very small dab of super glue on the end. Just make sure iPad is powered off before proceeding. Another option is to take it a repair ship that is capable of replacing the headphone jack.
Brian's suggestions are the usual ones given - the 'super glue' option can be messy (I use the stuff in my workshop) and potentially cause more damage - take a look at this iFixit Q&A for some further discussion. If you're not a good DIF w/ experience and tools, a visit to a repair shop might be your best choice - good luck and let us know your results; this is an occasional question asked, so you might want to search the forum. Dave :)

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