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Has anyone actually Transferred movies from their pc 2 ipad with success


iPF Noob
whether you need the camera connection kit or if it needs to be done through itunes with a sd card in a certan kind of format , I just want to find out has anyone actually done it and if so would you be so kind in telling me how you done it and what i need to use and how to do it in laymens terms. I would so deeply appreciate your feedback on this if you have actually been able to get movies from pc to ipad , and was it regular films you managed to get onto your ipad. As its regular films i would like to suss out to get onto the ipad so i can watch them on the plane and whilst travelling. Some people have spoke about how to do it and what to do , but it would be great to find out from somone who has actually done it with success and already has movies that they transferred from pc to their ipad just now. Also is there any certan player i would need to purchase as I notice that ipad no longer have vlc player available and i bot 2 players that say they can play any video format. But that still remains to be seen lol , anyways if you could help it would be so much appreciated , Thankyou.
You could do worse than DVDFab8. I use it to rip DVDs and it has options to optimize the output to a whole range of devices, not just iPad.

Movies tend to run out around 500Mb, by the way.

There are free progs but I like the reliability. Chuck the disk in, press a couple of buttons then sit back and wait.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
I have added many movies to my iPad that were not DRM protected. Some were ones I had purchased and converted using HandBrake, others were recorded using EyeTV and converted to H.264. It is not hard, but time consuming. The only thing I have not been able to do is to convert videos I purchased from Amazon downloads. I can only watch them on MBP using Win 7.
What i currently do to watch movie in my iPad by transferring from my pc is i use flex player or HD player. Its a free app from the apps store so there is no need to convert files. If its flv, mov, wmv format i transfer it to flex player app. Of course there are better paid apps in the appStore but if ur looking for free then i recommend the app i mentioned.
Any movie I watch on my iPad has no drm, because I rip my movies from blu ray or DVD that I buy. I use handbrake, makemkv, and anydvdhd. I either use iTunes to copy them to the iPad of I use AVPlayer HD which can transfer the files wirelessly and play them. I have at least 150 movies in m4v format created using handbrake. It is very easy to use for Apple stuff, but I also use it for movies that play on my Android tablet. And they all play on my laptops.
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