iPF Noob
whether you need the camera connection kit or if it needs to be done through itunes with a sd card in a certan kind of format , it's just that there has been pots about how to do it and what may work but I just want to find out has anyone actually done it and been successful with the transferring movie from PC 2 IPAD if so would you be so kind in telling me how you done it and what i need to use and how to do it in laymens terms. I would so deeply appreciate your feedback on this if you have actually been able to get movies from pc to ipad , and was it regular films you managed to get onto your ipad. As its regular films i would like to suss out to get onto the ipad so i can watch them on the plane and whilst travelling. Some people have spoke about how to do it and what to do , but it would be great to find out from somone who has actually done it with success and already has movies that they transferred from pc to their ipad just now. Also is there any certan player i would need to purchase as I notice that ipad no longer have vlc player available and i bot 2 players that say they can play any video format. But that still remains to be seen lol , anyways if you could help it would be so much appreciated , Thankyou.:thumbs: