iPF Noob
Usually a few weeks after a device/phone has launched someone shows up with a cracked screen. So Im just wondering if any one had a unexpected case of butter fingers or slicks thumbs and has dropped iPad 2 yet? I dropped mine but it magically hovered an inch above ground before inpact and I was able to grab it!!Nah, but seriously, I know its bound to happen for someone, Im curious the durablity of the new thin design. Any drops yet? ( Or near fatal drops?)
Read the analysis of impact strength on the review by Anand had an expert in glass make some tests, and it shows the thinner glass is actually more flexible ... and has better support using adhesive all around, instead of clips that were used on the original iPad. So actually, the assumption that thinner is more vulnerable is not true. They also tweaked the composition of the Gorilla Glass, to make it stronger. The fact it weighs a bit less is also a slight advantage. Slight is the operative word.
I think this is okay to ponder, but it is no way a big deal. Any way you look at it, no one recommends dropping it. Just makes sense. On the other hand we all get in a hurry, and end up sometimes doing something stupid... and hope the design is bullet-proof so to speak. I did read one post wherein a pyrex measuring cup fell out of a cupboard and landed on the ipad display and smashed the glass. I had two quick questions ... why was it on the counter under the cupboard where the cup could fall? ... and better yet why was the cup stored up high where it could fall on something? I know SH. That's the way it goes.
iPad2 is better in every way than the original iPad. It should be. Just enjoy it and have fun showing it off.
What I don't understand is why so many think they have to put thin protective film over the Gorilla Glass. To me it can not help but affect the touch sensitivity ... however, little. It can't help the clarity ... it will only degrade it. It costs extra ... and if not put on correctly (and that is a challenge to get rid of the air pockets and not trap debris underneath accidently. It doesn't clean up any better. The only thing on the positive side is it reduces the glare slightly... depending on what the characteristics of the film are.
I think it is all fear. So they wrap up the baby, thinking it is better. Perhaps if it gives peace of mind. Then sobeit. I'm in the group of thinkers as why bother. Just be careful, don't get in a hurry, and pay attention to what you are doing. That is just life. Now if you have little kids, that fight over everything ... perhaps a little extra protection could be beneficial. Have fun deciding. I did ... I won't put anything extra on ours.
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