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Hello and I have a ton of questions.


iPF Noob
It was suggested that I introduce myself before plunging into questions, so here goes. I received my iPad for Christmas 2010. I had been hinting that I might enjoy some sort of eReader such as Nook or Kindle. My daughter had a Mac and loved it and suggested that I would get a lot more enjoyment from an iPad, so that is what I was given. When I opened it I had no idea what was in store for me.

First was the learning curve. I have used computers for many years starting with an IBM286 using DOS commands and x-tree. Then graduating on up into the world of Windows to the XP version I now use. The learning curve begins with all new names of things like safari instead of Internet explorer. Then there is no mouse or anything to "right click". Apps were foreign to me and I drown in decisions of what to buy, what to try, and what is just plain junk.

It has been a while since ios5 was introduced, and I have been struggling with the changes. To be honest I haven't been impressed because I can't seem to get things to work. The biggest disappointment was the loss of the iPod, and I wish there was some way to get it back. The music app just doesn't meet my needs especially since I use it mainly for podiobooks books.

The second disappointment is in iMessage. It has only worked once for me, and hasn't worked since. All the searches I make find all these pristine Apple ads but no meaty HOW THE HECK DO I WORK THE DARN THING INSTRUCTIONS. (sorry for shouting, but I am a bit frustrated.) even the instruction sheets are unclear as to what to do.

Ok now for hobbies, I am a weaver, spinner, and fiber artist. I enjoy reading, cooking, and grandkids in that order LOL. A day hasn't passed since I received my iPad that I don't turn it on. I just need help, and it appears I need a LOT of help. Thanks to any and all who respond.
Hi lolli...lots of frustration I sense from reading your intro. I'm sorry that you have been dealing with this, however, now that you have joined you won't feel alone with Your iPad issues. Lots of friendly members to help you to get started.


Welcome to the iPadForum! This forum is loaded with invaluable information which contain topics including: General Discussion of the iPad, iPad Operating System, iPad App Store, Accessories, and Ipad for Business and Education.

The iPadForum also includes a Regional Ipad Group for international users across the world. This is a wonderful area to "find" members from your own country. See here:Regional iPad Groups

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to download the iPad Manual User Guide iOS 5. This is extremely helpful if you are new to the iPad world.

Also, iBooks has the iOS 5 user manual here, which is nice to have in your library,*iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5 by Apple Inc.

How to post a new thread: http://www.ipadforums.net/new-membe...-creating-posts-starting-new-threads-how.html

Finally, please take the time to read the Forum Rules:

Best Wishes and Enjoy!
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Yes it is a big learning curve, but now you are here, just from reading through the threads here you will learn a lot. Have a look at the links that Skimonkey has given you. A great place to start is the manual, have a play on the iPad as you go through the information. The 2 links I have supplied will take you to these threads which by now are quite long. Sit down put your feet up and have a good read, you will learn so many tips here.

Apps are a whole world unto themselves. Get Appshopper it's a great way to browse for apps. You can also input a wish list and when an app comes on sale it will alert you. A great way to get paid apps free. Have a look in the App sub Forum and see what other members are using. Just browsing these threads will teach you what many apps are used for.

Yes there are a lot of members upset with the demise of the iPod feature and we have a rather long thread on this subject. You will find a link for IOS5 tips below.

iMessage is a great new tool. Can you give me some more info on the troubles you're having here.

2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.

Hello lelai and thank you so much for responding to my post.

I downloaded the iPad manual In iBooks and perused it some last night. I read the chapter on iMessage and call me dense, but it could be a bit more clear. My daughter has an iPhone with ios5 and as far as I know it is enabled. In October 2011 after many attempts on both our parts we were able to message one another. Could her ios5 disable itself and cause my messages to come up "not delivered"? I have tried reentering her phone number manually as 1-( area code) number.....(area code) number....number with no area code. Nothing works. I also tried to just reply to the previous message we had in October without success. If this was covered in other posts please forgive and point me to the posts. I am new to the forum and don't wish to be a bother.

Please don't assume that I am Apple literate, I learn something new daily about my iPad, and so I ask you to explain things to me as if I were four years old.

As for the iPod app, (now Music) I use mine exclusively for audio/podiobooks books. I enjoy listening to books while I weave or spin. I miss the button that rewinds/backs up for 30 seconds. I also miss being able to listen to my book chapter after chapter. Once a chapters ends I have to stop, go back to music and begin the next chapter. I didn't have to do this with the iPod app. I downloaded an app hoping that it would help, but it basically feeds through Music. I do like the larger play buttons on the app. when I am ready to stop the book.

I am also having trouble getting the cloud on my desktop widows computer. I probably need to research this more, but after three tries, I quit. I would like to have this work because one of my weaving programs allows patterns to pass from my comp to my iPad through iCloud.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
The easiest thing to do with iMessage is to first make sure you have your daughters email added into Contacts, then in iMessage click on then paper with a pencil on the top. You will then see the To: and a blue plus sign click on the blue plus, this will bring up your contact list. Find your daughter and click, then select her email I'd, then enter in your text and click Send

As long as you and your daughter both have a iPad iPhone etc you can send to a email I'd and there is no text charges.

Hope this helps
I just thought of something you and your daughter need to check. Look in Settings, scroll down to Messages and select it, make sure iMessage is On, also make sure your email is loaded in Receive At (have your daughter check hers also)
Thanks County Rain,
Her hotmail address was already entered and I tried that. No luck. I entered her @me apple address and tried. No luck. I just texted her to double check to see if her iMessage was on, and it is. What else can I do?
lollismith said:
Hello lelai and thank you so much for responding to my post.

I downloaded the iPad manual In iBooks and perused it some last night. I read the chapter on iMessage and call me dense, but it could be a bit more clear. My daughter has an iPhone with ios5 and as far as I know it is enabled. In October 2011 after many attempts on both our parts we were able to message one another. Could her ios5 disable itself and cause my messages to come up "not delivered"? I have tried reentering her phone number manually as 1-( area code) number.....(area code) number....number with no area code. Nothing works. I also tried to just reply to the previous message we had in October without success. If this was covered in other posts please forgive and point me to the posts. I am new to the forum and don't wish to be a bother.

Please don't assume that I am Apple literate, I learn something new daily about my iPad, and so I ask you to explain things to me as if I were four years old.

As for the iPod app, (now Music) I use mine exclusively for audio/podiobooks books. I enjoy listening to books while I weave or spin. I miss the button that rewinds/backs up for 30 seconds. I also miss being able to listen to my book chapter after chapter. Once a chapters ends I have to stop, go back to music and begin the next chapter. I didn't have to do this with the iPod app. I downloaded an app hoping that it would help, but it basically feeds through Music. I do like the larger play buttons on the app. when I am ready to stop the book.

I am also having trouble getting the cloud on my desktop widows computer. I probably need to research this more, but after three tries, I quit. I would like to have this work because one of my weaving programs allows patterns to pass from my comp to my iPad through iCloud.

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Check messages in Settings, make sure it's on and you have your email address listed here. Also look at what is written under where you turn iMessage on. It will tell you if activation has failed. Then go to notifications and see if this is set up correctly. Your daughter will have to check her phone settings. I have mine set to receive at my phone number and email. Have you ever closed your apps completely? When I message my daughters i just message their numbers normally. Apps do play up and the first step to take is to close it and then relaunch it. From the home screen do the four finger swipe up or double press the home button to reveal your multi task bar. These are all the apps that you have opened at one time. Long press the app until it jiggles and a red minus sign will appear above it. Press the minus sign, this will close the app, not delete it, now press the home button to return to your screen. It's also a good idea to close all these apps, as it helps the iPad run smoothly.

Here is a link to set up iCloud on your PC.

Let us know how you go.
I have now gone to Notifications and it appears to be on (says it is anyway).
It says to sort Apps manually.

In Message it says:
Note center. On
Show 5 recent items
Alert style Banner
Badge App icon ON
Show Previous on
Repeat Alert once
View in lock screen on

I have tried to message my daughter again using her @me account name and when it shows the sending bar. It gets to the last 1/8" and stops. It pauses for a long time then finally says Message Not Delivered.

I am glad I have low blood pressure.
I forgot to add that I have turned off all Apps running in the background. I try to do that pretty often anyway because I nice froze things up having too many Apps running. This was back when I first got my iPad
CountryRain said:
Can she text you ?

I just sent her a text to try to text me. I think back in October she was the one that got through to me. Funny that I could not use the old chat page to get back to her, but it doesn't seem to work. I am assuming that you can go back to an old text thread or page and text on it at a later date. Am I wrong?
Ok after 10 1/2 hours of trying, here is what happened today. I have the extra insurance policy for my iPad with Apple, and after being on the phone for almost two hours, it was worth every nickel to not pay for that phone call. I talked with a very nice guy about my problem and he took me through every help screen he had trying to find a fix for my iMessage. After talking it over with his supervisor, they agreed that it may have a "glitch" in the App from a faulty download. SO they asked me to reset my iPad to factory settings and download it all again.

Well since there is a new upgrade that came out this past week, which I knew nothing about I agreed to do the clear out and reset,which was a time consuming mistake. All I can figure is that every iPad in the nation was hooked up for that download. SLOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW doesn't even come close to describing what i experienced today. I had my iPad hooked up to my comp from 11:30AM until 4:00 PM and only had 2/3 of the backup completed before it stops and does a time out. Luckily I happened to see it timeout so I could restart the process. So from about 4:15-9:45 I waited on the backup and download process.

The verdict: killed a whole day without positive results. I have tried sending messages to two different people without success. I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this, or am I the only lucky non iMessage user to be found?

Needless to say I will call Apple tomorrow with my case number and seek more help, but if they want me to do the download thing again I think I will do without their stupid iMessage. OR they will have to find me a faster Internet connection somewhere. I went through withdrawal today not being able to use my iPad. Lol.

I want to thank you all for trying to help me get my iMessage to work.
Oh my goodness, you have had a day of it, No we don't get many through who we can't help, it mostly always comes down to a setting error or something minor with the app playing up. Gosh I know what you mean about missing a day on your iPad too.
I really hope that this gets cleared up for you without this type of day happening again. All the best!
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