V v1corumantir iPF Noob Nov 9, 2010 #1 Hi, I'm newbie from Jakarta - Indonesia and first time to use iPad Hope this site will help me while exploring my iPad
Hi, I'm newbie from Jakarta - Indonesia and first time to use iPad Hope this site will help me while exploring my iPad
I iPadCharlie iPF Noob Nov 9, 2010 #2 Greetings and welcome to the forum! Did you see the president when he was in Jakarta today?
OP OP V v1corumantir iPF Noob Nov 10, 2010 #3 Nope...it was restricted to see the President directly except the VIP member or invitational persons only I just watched at TV....
Nope...it was restricted to see the President directly except the VIP member or invitational persons only I just watched at TV....