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HELP - itunes could not restore the ipad because the backup session failed??


iPF Noob
ios 5 seemed to install on iPad 2 fine, but now when I go to restore from the backup I did before the upgrade, I get this message:
"itunes could not restore the ipad because the backup session failed"

Does anyone have any suggestions how to fix this?

Try starting up your iPad and see what happens.

When I upgraded my mom's iPad, I got the same message. Then, I started it and it started up with the fresh iOS5 activate procedures. At the end (after putting in my WiFi data and such), I got an option to restore from new, from backup or from the iCloud. I chose from iTunes backup and it began to put all her "stuff" back on it.

Maybe that'll help?


P.S. I deleted your other post in a different sub-forum. Please, only post once for a topic. It's not necessary to post more than once and it messes up the board. Thanks.
ios 5 seemed to install on iPad 2 fine, but now when I go to restore from the backup I did before the upgrade, I get this message:
"itunes could not restore the ipad because the backup session failed"

Does anyone have any suggestions how to fix this?

I guess my question would be...why do you want to restore your iPad to a previous backup? The iOS 5 install created a new backup and all of your apps, files, etc. should all be there.

Or what Marilyn said. :)
Apps were all re-installed during the update to ios 5, but none of my settings, bookmarks, etc. were restored. That's why I thought I had to restore the iPad for my backup from my pc before the update to ios 5?
Sorry - just to clarify - I get this message "itunes could not restore the ipad because the backup session failed" when I try to do a restore from itunes on my PC of the backup I did before the upgrade.

I've got all the apps back on, but none of the custom folders are restored.
Okay, got it now. I don't think you want to restore from the old backup...that's going to cause problems as you've found out. Apps can always be downloaded again at no charge and others have reported that various folders and such were disturbed since some new apps were added (Newsstand for example). Not much to do but reorganize. Rather than risk things I'd just re-do your settings and bookmarks, etc. Once it's set up, use iCloud to backup and all of that will be saved for next time.

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