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Help! My ipad won't turn on:(

Thank you!!!

My husband played several rounds of angry birds last night.

This morning as we were leaving he shocked me while I was holding it and I had said, I hope that won't hurt the Ipad.

Later I went to use it and it wouldn't turn on. I guessed it might have needed charging, but after getting home and charging it a while, it still wasn't working.

IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!

iPad will not turn on

Didn't see this posted but it probably is somewhere. My iPad simply turned off. It was fully charged but would not come back on. Solution: Press and hold the power button and the button on the screen portion of the iPad. Within 10 seconds it should come back on (you should see the Apple logo). NO DATA WILL BE LOST!! :)
My ipad wouldn't turn on, and I followed a post here to do a hard reset by holding down the home button and the power button at the same time for about 20 seconds. The apple symbol appeared and it eventually turned on, in about 30 seconds.

I worked great for me after trying different methods. thanks

"If iPad won't turn on, or the display stops responding
Follow these steps, testing after each:"

"Turn the iPad off and turn it on again. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on top of iPad for a few seconds, until a red slider appears. Then slide the slider. Then press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
Reset iPad. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears"

I googled this just now. My ipad won't turn on so to assist in this problem, turn on your ipad.....

Makes sense to me.:(


I worked great for me after trying different methods. thanks:)
Mine did the same thing. I couldn't get it back on and it was fully charged. Here's what I did: Press and hold the home button and lock/power button at the same time for approximately 15 seconds. It should come back on. Hope this helped!
Umm...this is a very regular with me. Every time I forget to take along my iPad with me I come back home to be greeted with guilty faces and a cold "won't turn on what so ever" iPad. On the very first time I was frightened out of myself as after putting it to the wall outlet it didnt even power up or show anything until the eternal 2 minutes gone over and iPad came greeting me with the ever familiar "slide to unlock" . I removed all the games to avoid this but that proved to be painful so I got them back and made sure that the USB cable is well hidden so when iPad goes dead it stays dead until I am back.
IOS 4.2 actually makes my iPad stay off during chargin unlike 3.2.2 which is handy when trying to quick charge.

Thanks and good luck. And remember ipad isnt just another of those awful devices,it's a marvel and won't disappoint you unless you want to really get to it's nerve :)
Try a hard reset: hold the Sleep and Home buttons until the Apple logo appears. Should be about 5 seconds until that happens. If no Apple appears, sadly something is broken.

Don't worry, a hard reset will not delete anything from the iPad. Hope everything turns out okay!
Hey to all of you IPAD users out there. I was coming home from EU today and my IPAD just went black - i read what Purpleorchid had said to try (after trying everything else) and guess what? it worked. Today I am very thankful for your advice. I was thinkin i was going to apple tomorrow and I keept thinking of the thousands of dollars of media i have on this IPAD - THANKYOU
Thank you

My screen went black once and I though it was dead - couldn't turn it on (because it actually was on with a black screen). I think if you hold down both buttons for like 10 sec, it will force power down. Then you should be able to power it back on normally by holding the top button for a few seconds.

If your battery is actually completely dead and your charger isnt working, you'll have to try and charge it with your computer through the USB cable. If its off, it should charge slowly on any computer.

I just had the black screen thing happen, thank you so much for the two buttons, 10 second solution. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I had some problem, but the reset worked!

I didn't take the time to read every string of responses, but I wanted to let you know that I had the same problem and held the sleep and home button down at the same time (took more than 5 secs but not more than 10ish) and it worked. Just be patient. I made sure that I pushed them simultaneously. What a sigh of relief!!!! Hope this helps and more importantly I hope it isn't something "internally wrong". Crossing my fingers for you!;)
Newbie here and gotta say this is an awesome thread...would be worth pinning. If my iPad went dead I would be having a heart-attack. Nice to know you can reset and not loose data. This is a thread everyone should read so if it happens to you, you will at least be aware it might not be an emergency. I live by the rule "Never loose a fight with an inanimate object!!!" but sometimes technology has the upper hand. :)

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