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Help needed about SHSH Blobs


iPF Noob
Nov 15, 2012
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I bought an Ipad 3 (WIFI only) recently with iOS 6.0 on boot. I, then updated it to 6.0.1 on arrival.

Now, about reading all about SHSH Blobs, I saved SHSH Blobs using TinyUmbrella software. I'm confused on the part which blobs are saved. I still cannot save blobs for 6.0.1 using latest TinyUmbrella.

Here is a screenshot attached. What do these files mean? the 5.1.1 one and the 6.1 one? Why isn't it saving my 6.0.1 blobs?


And does the 5.1.1 blob file mean that I can downgrade to 5.1.1?

Currently on iOS 6.0.1
Tiny Umbrella (TU) can only save blobs that are currently being signed by Apple. So, that's why you can only get 6.1 - the 6.0.1 window has already closed.

Sorry, but an iPad3 that is on iOS 6 cannot be downgraded to any iOS at this time. Your best bet is to go to iOS 6.1 and wait for the [hopefully] soon to be released jail break.

Now, why TU also snagged iOS 5.1.1 for that iPad, I've no idea. Did you buy it used or was it a refurb? If yes, the previous owner must have saved the blobs. If no, then I've no idea. Regardless, you can't use them at this time, so it's just a curiosity.

As it stands, you've got everything saved that you can.

Hope this clarifies.

Tiny Umbrella (TU) can only save blobs that are currently being signed by Apple. So, that's why you can only get 6.1 - the 6.0.1 window has already closed.

Sorry, but an iPad3 that is on iOS 6 cannot be downgraded to any iOS at this time. Your best bet is to go to iOS 6.1 and wait for the [hopefully] soon to be released jail break.

Now, why TU also snagged iOS 5.1.1 for that iPad, I've no idea. Did you buy it used or was it a refurb? If yes, the previous owner must have saved the blobs. If no, then I've no idea. Regardless, you can't use them at this time, so it's just a curiosity.

As it stands, you've got everything saved that you can.

Hope this clarifies.


Oh so I can downgrade to 6.1 in the future, right?

I'll stick with 6.0.1 a lil bit more, if all's green by evad3rs, I'll update to 6.1.

Exactly, my doubt! A 5.1.1 SHSH Blob made me hell curious. No, I bought it new. Lawl, now the whole situation looks fishy.

Anyways, as you say, I'm all set for the JB. Thanks Marilyn.
I hope you mean upgrade in the future :p The next jailbreak will support iOS 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2 and 6.1. Reason being is that all of them use iOS 6.0 as a base, where all the other iOS's were simply hotfixes or small add-ons. Just like you did for iOS 6.0.1, when you're jailbreaking iOS 6.0.2 and 6.1, you'll be selecting the iOS 6.0 IPSW for the device you're trying to jailbreak. So if you're scared of whether or not you can jailbreak it when you upgrade to iOS 6.1, then fret, it'll be jailbreakable ;)
I hope you mean upgrade in the future :p The next jailbreak will support iOS 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2 and 6.1. Reason being is that all of them use iOS 6.0 as a base, where all the other iOS's were simply hotfixes or small add-ons. Just like you did for iOS 6.0.1, when you're jailbreaking iOS 6.0.2 and 6.1, you'll be selecting the iOS 6.0 IPSW for the device you're trying to jailbreak. So if you're scared of whether or not you can jailbreak it when you upgrade to iOS 6.1, then fret, it'll be jailbreakable ;)

I know mate! :)
I'm not scared, I'm a developer (though in early stages for iOS), I do stuff for Android though.
Thanks for the info. :D
Oh so I can downgrade to 6.1 in the future, right?

Just to point out - we don't know the answer to this at this time. Right now, no. And probably, never.

The ability to downgrade just because you have SHSH blobs for a particular iOS was removed in iOS 5 when Apple changed the working/coding of the APTicket. The jail break community were only able to make it so you could downgrade to iOS 5 (or 4) IF you had an iPad2 WITH both blobs for iOS 4 and 5; all other iPad owners were SOL.

Note that this could work only because of the iPad2's issue iOS. It came with iOS 4, which did not have the APTicket changes. So, "they" could work around the change by using those iOS 4 blobs. But, the iPad3 and beyond do not have iOS 4 blobs (and never will as they never got iOS 4). So, again, I don't see the JB community getting around the APTicket changes. Though it would be nice to be surprised ... So I'm not going to say never. :)

What the jail break developers DID do for iOS 5 was make it so you could re-restore an iPad. You could use your blobs for iOS 5 to reload that iOS back onto the iPad. As long as you never upgraded to iOS 6 - this meant you could have a chance at recovery (saving yourself a restore to an unjailbroken iOS) should you need it.

I can see a re-restore being doable, in the future. But, not a straight out downgrade.

This is a long-winded way of saying - save your blobs regardless, cause you never know.

More than I'm sure you wanted, but I hope I've clarified some things. :)

I hope you mean upgrade in the future :p The next jailbreak will support iOS 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2 and 6.1. Reason being is that all of them use iOS 6.0 as a base, where all the other iOS's were simply hotfixes or small add-ons. Just like you did for iOS 6.0.1, when you're jailbreaking iOS 6.0.2 and 6.1, you'll be selecting the iOS 6.0 IPSW for the device you're trying to jailbreak. So if you're scared of whether or not you can jailbreak it when you upgrade to iOS 6.1, then fret, it'll be jailbreakable ;)

What you are describing there is a tethered jailbreak technique for the iPhone which is not relevant to the iPad Jon. There are no iPad models currently capable of running 6.x which can support a tethered jailbreak, and I very much doubt we will be pointing the new evad3rs tool towards a 6.0 iPad firmware come Sunday. If we were, then the jailbreak would only be viable for folks with 6.0 blobs, and I'm pretty sure that won't be the case. Remember, there are no bootrom exploits for any devices past the iPad1 / iPhone4.
Furthermore, we know (as confirmed by the evad3rs) that all 22 devices (excluding the ATV3) will be supported, but some of them don't have (never had) a 6.0 firmware... e.g. the cellular enabled iPad Mini's.

Look forward to being proven wrong of course ;)
*facepalm* forgot that the cellular Minis start on 6.0.1. That we'll have to see. As for all other devices, once the next version of RedSn0w/Absinthe(?) comes out, it'll be using the same vulnerabilities on the iOS 6.0 IPSW. But also note that the iOS's after 6.0 are all hotfixes of one another, so I would take a hazardous guess that the iPad Mini would use 6.0.1, or it can possibly be open to all the IPSWs. The current RedSn0w version doesn't take effect what's being planned for the upcoming jailbreak, so the vulnerabilities aren't incorporated as of yet :)
So confused about saving shsh blobs, i am currently JB on 5.1.1. Cydia shows shsh 5.1.1,6.0,6.0.1. Trying to figure out how to save 6.1 blogs. I have not updated yet. Can i download update without installing it? I also have dropbox, but installed after apple no longer signing 5.1.1. I am so green . I need a beginner tutorial, can't figure out redsnow or tiny unbrellla

Sent from my iPad using iPF
So confused about saving shsh blobs, i am currently JB on 5.1.1. Cydia shows shsh 5.1.1,6.0,6.0.1. Trying to figure out how to save 6.1 blogs. I have not updated yet. Can i download update without installing it? I also have dropbox, but installed after apple no longer signing 5.1.1. I am so green . I need a beginner tutorial, can't figure out redsnow or tiny unbrellla

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Then why not follow our tutorial - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...01-how-save-your-shsh-blobs-tinyumbrella.html ;)

If you follow that exactly, you will have all your blobs (including 6.1) saved locally.

Based on what you wrote, that should be 5.1.1, 6.0, 6.0.1, and 6.1.
Since you are on 5.1.1 today, you can use your 5.1.1 blobs to reinstall a fresh 5.1.1 (if you should want to), or you can move straight up to 6.1 when you choose. Your 6.0 and 6.0.1 blobs are pretty much useless as things stand, but anything can change in the future! Also note, once you make the move to 6.1, you cannot use your 5.1.1 blobs to downgrade back to 5.1.1. That's just how the world is at the moment :(

Good Luck!
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I'll try again. 6.1 never showed up tho. Thx tho.

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I'll try again. 6.1 never showed up tho. Thx tho.

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6.1 will show up if you follow the guide correctly. You must request 6.1 from Apple, which the tutorial makes happen at the end.
How do i request 6.1 from apple. Sorry feel like an idiot

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You'll need to use TinyUmbrella, RedSn0w or any blob interacting application on your computer
I have tried, them both. Several times. I don't want to install update until JB is ready. I think i'll give up for the day

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