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HELP NEEDED...Brand new Ipad does not turn on--Apple Refuses To Help

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After quite some time of total frustration with Apple, I sued them in Small Claims Court and am awaiting the hearing. In the interim, I will be doing some "discovery", sending them document subpoenas, interrogatories, etc. and trying to push them to just let me have a working Ipad. It is really unbelievable that a company of this size and stature will not stand behind their product and see to it that a brand new, unwrapped item will work when it is unwrapped and opened. At this point, they will need to hire a NY attorney and I will be sure to cause them to incur enough legal fees to represent the cost of several new Ipads.

It is sheer stupidity that they will not just replace the inoperable machine!!!!

Did you even try my trickle charge suggestion...?
What is amazing to me is this guy didnt even buy the iPad. He would have had better luck giving it back to the people who bought it and asking them if they could get an exchange. Some people are just self-absorbed-everyone-owes-me entitled idiots...
Somerled said:
What is amazing to me is this guy didnt even buy the iPad. He would have had better luck giving it back to the people who bought it and asking them if they could get an exchange. Some people are just self-absorbed-everyone-owes-me entitled idiots...

I'm sure that he'll end up spending far more on legal costs than paying for a battery replacement ever would have coast.
Kaykaykay said:
In the U.S., you can make a legal nuisance of yourself in small claims court without a lawyer.

I wasn't thinking of lawyer fees, but filing costs.
You don't need a lawyer for small claims court in Canada as well.
sarky123 said:
After quite some time of total frustration with Apple, I sued them in Small Claims Court and am awaiting the hearing. In the interim, I will be doing some "discovery", sending them document subpoenas, interrogatories, etc. and trying to push them to just let me have a working Ipad. It is really unbelievable that a company of this size and stature will not stand behind their product and see to it that a brand new, unwrapped item will work when it is unwrapped and opened. At this point, they will need to hire a NY attorney and I will be sure to cause them to incur enough legal fees to represent the cost of several new Ipads.

It is sheer stupidity that they will not just replace the inoperable machine!!!!

I see that you are progressing with this on a point of principle and as you can see from the replies you have gotten thus far that the consensus is that you will not win. Yes Apple will need to hire lawyers for your case but it is but a drop in the ocean for them whereas for you the price will be much higher in terms of time, money and effort on your part and that's not including the emotional toll that this is having on you. I admire the need to seek justice but I really feel that it is misguided in this case.

MEMBERS.....enough has been said and we do not want this to get out of hand and have to close this thread before hearing back from the OP. Please be respectful!
The whole thing sounds really like a troll to me. I'm sorry.

We have had tremendous success working with Apple on support issues that were outside of the ordinary including delayed opening of iPads and service out of warranty.

Though anything is possible, this just sounds like a troll to me.
What is a troll. I find you to be arrogant and foolish. The next time you make a large purchase and it does not work, think about your attitude here. I have 72 employees that each have a laptop, desktop, and cell phone. I assure you that none of them will ever be from Apple. All I wanted was an IPad that worked and sought nothing more!!!!!

Let me leave aside all the critical posts - I posted a small guide here with regards to trickle charging the battery in your non-functional iPad - based on the chemistry in lithium batteries, my suggestion had a reasonable chance of working. In all seriousness, did you actually try it, please? If so, did you get anywhere with it, or not? :)
janner43 said:

Let me leave aside all the critical posts - I posted a small guide here with regards to trickle charging the battery in your non-functional iPad - based on the chemistry in lithium batteries, my suggestion had a reasonable chance of working. In all seriousness, did you actually try it, please? If so, did you get anywhere with it, or not? :)

And as this seems to be the only piece of advice that addresses the actual problem, I think it's time to close this thread. Here's a rule reminder.

----- Rule 3
Reminder - Rule 3 Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. We take politeness very seriously. You are welcome to challenge others points of view and opinions, but please do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Please review all our forum rules here

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