iPF Noob
Hi There
Thanks for the response mate
I love reading"knowledge is power"
I have downloaded Ifun and have managed to get into the ipad.
I can not seem to locate the mobile lock/ passcode document... :-(
I am not so bothered about the data my main objective is to be able to either take off the passcode or be able to keep 4.3.3 firmware thus enabling me to jailbreak the device..
Are you saying i may be able to disable or reset the passcode using ifun?
Thanks in advance
Yes, you may be able to disable or reset the password using iFunBox. I'm still looking for the file myself. (I have hidden files showing, so you probably missed it.)
I hope it works, I did have the hidden files visible but still could nto locate it....probalby missed it all the same.
Keep us posted buddy