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Help please - - connected ipad, PC thinks it's a camera


iPF Noob
I hope I am not breaking forum etiquette, but having posted a request for help in the ipad 4 forum, I realised that there were 5 times more people on the ipad3 forum. As my question is general, I am reposting it here.

Got an ipad 4 yesterday, been struggling a bit with it.

Anyway, just connected it to my XP PC with itunes running (as used for my ipod).

itunes doesn't see the ipad, even the devices heading is not there.

XP sees it as an apple camera.

Please help, I am not techy, I thought the ipad was supposed to be easy!

I just don't know what to do next, I am trying to get my itunes music onto it.
Thanks, I will try this, although I usually find updates give problems to software that was running perfectly well before!

My current version is
Tried to update it, it tells me "the itunes update server could not be contacted. Please check your connection or try again later"

My connection is fine (although only 1/2MB), and I've tried many times so far with the same result.

I don't want to download it from scratch as I may then lose all my music, which literally took weeks to organise and copy to itunes.
Ran itunes diagnostics, says "secure link to istore failed" but doesn't say why or what to do about it.

My broadband was verified as OK.
I decided to download itunes from scratch, hoping it would not erase my music.

The download seemed OK, but the instal has taken an hour so far, the status info is useless, but seems to be doing the same things over and over, as if it is in a loop.

After less than 24 hours of this ipad, I really feel like throwing it into the bin (well, at least returning it for a refund), I've wasted HOURS trying to get it to do anything.
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

It is normal for your PC to see your iPad as a camera

I've moved your thread to our Help Section where you will receive a better response.
Frankly, I think it problem is likely with your Windows XP PC. After many years, Windows needs to be refreshed (wiped and reinstalled). Also, you might want to try using other USB ports...sometimes the ports themselves are flaky. Apple servers could be down, or there is some problem along the path from your PC to Apple's servers. You never can be sure why things don't come down right from the internet.

You can get the Amazon cloud player....Amazon will give you some free cloud storage...you upload your MP3s to that cloud, then you can play them via that app (you do need wifi). You aren't locked into iTunes. There are other ways to go using say, Google Music. The concept is similar...you upload your MP3s to their cloud, then play via wifi from the cloud. And once you get iTunes working, you can set up sharing and play files from your PC over wifi.

If you have bought music via apple, then you can download that directly to your iPad, without using iTunes. If you buy the iTunes Match service, then all yours MP3s become available to you via Apples cloud...anything in your collection that is in Apples iTunes becomes available to you via the cloud...and anything they don't have gets uploaded. And you can download all those to your iPad....letting you avoid linking up to iTunes.
5 hours later!!!!!

I downloaded the latest itunes as old one wouldn't update, took about 3 hours to install.

This version recognises my ipad, great, I thought.

Clicked on sync, it did it, took all of 2 seconds (to do 7000 tracks), looked on ipad, NO MUSIC!

Have tried this time and time again, I think syncing would take hours for all these tracks, but it does nothing, as decribed above.

Any more ideas please.
7000 tracks would completely fill up your iPad, even if you had the 128Gb version, so it's lucky it failed.

Best bet is to do it manually. With your iPad connected and recognized, drag each album you want on it to the left side of your screen in iTunes where your iPad's name appears, then drop. The music should transfer.

Make sure that Music is highlighted when you drop the tracks onto your iPad.
Thanks, but there is nothing on the left of the screen to drag anything to.

Perhaps there is some other page I should be on?

I am on music and songs, which shows all my tracks in alphabetic order.

When I checked my music storage, I thought it was much less than 32GB but I will check agaim.

Is there another itunes page I should get onto?

I have been using FILE/DEVICES/SYNC so far.
OK. You need to go to the View menu, and select "Show sidebar". Then you will see your iPad and all of it's subfolders, music, videos etc.
iTunes 11 removed most of the classic views, and left many of us floundering. At the time I was running Windows, and was initially as confused as everyone else, but now I run a Mac also, I can see why they have done it. OS X handles the menus to that iTunes doesn't need to. Windows operates slightly differently in this respect.
Thanks for that, done it, and I have finally copied some music onto the ipad, it's only taken 6 hours so far :-(

My total music is 43GB, what I was trying to do was put it ALL onto my 64GB ipad4, then I was going to download itunes onto my more modern Win7 PC, connect the ipad to this, and hopefully transfer all my music from the ipad onto this newer PC.

Then I can delete some of the music off the ipad to free up space again.

Is this feasible?
Haven't tried it. The way I would transfer music from one computer to another is more directly, by using Home Sharing.

Put iTunes on your new computer, authorize it the turn on Home Sharing. Find your library in iTunes, select the lot and hit Import. To select multiple albums, select the first, scroll to the bottom and, holding CTRL and SHIFT, select the last. Then hit IMPORT and sit back and wait.

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