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Help With Camera Connection Kit


I'm going to try that. I don't think it will work though. I have tried 4 cards now. 2 SDHC cards did not work. A regular SD card did not work. A MicroSD card from my wifes little digital camera did.

I spoke with apple and they made an appointment for me to have my iPad and the connector kit checked at the not too local apple store tomorrow.
Latest update. I went to the Apple store in Staten Island on Thursday. I got slammed with traffic. Yuck.

They tried my SD card reader and of course it didn't work. They tried it in another IPAD and it didn't work either. So they ordered me a new from Apple.

It came today and guess what, it didn't work either.

So my question is what SD card are you guys using? I have tried a regular SanDisk card, an SDHC card from PNY and an SDHC card from Lexar.

What cards do you guys recommend?

I just tried a couple more SD cards here is the results from them.

SanDisk 2Gig = Not supported
SanDisk 1Gig = Not Supported
SanDisk 4Gig SDHC = Not Supported
SanDisk 1Gig Ultra II = working
Eye-Fi Pro SDHC 4Gig = Working.
PNY 1Gig = Not Working.
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I'm using a PNY SDHC 8 gb card in the reader. It brought the pictures only from my camcorder. I don't think the ipad supports video from camcorders. I don't remember reading anything in the instructions about it.
I had the same problem with a Kodak SD card. But solved the problem from a tip I found on the net.
Just create a folder ın the card named DCIM. And put all your photos into this folder and tada!
I have a SanDisk SDHC 16GB card and it wouldn't work when I moved folders of photos over. I put the folders in the DCIM folder and it still wouldn't work. Then, I moved all of the photos into the DCIM folder (no subfolders) and the ipad found all of them.

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