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Help with Drop Box Please

I have installed the dropbox app on my computer and my ipad I have no problem with pictures or books but i am having problems with music videos. They will upload to dropbox and play on the ipad with no problem but I can't figure out how to move them out of the drop box and into my vidio app or any other place. They are all in mp4 format and I even created a folder in drop box for them thinking maybe I could move the entire folder but so far I have had no luck. Can someone please help me with this? I don't want to leave my videos in drop box permanently
Your files are in your DropBox folder on your PC, just point your video player to the sub-folder you created in the DropBox folder. If the video player can play mp4 files it should work. DropBox just keeps your file in sync between devices with DropBox installed. The actual file copies are on your devices and in the DropBox cloud. If you add or change a file on one device, it's changed or added to all devices, if you have it set up to sync all folders. You can set it up to sync on certain files if you want on a particular device.

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